


美式发音: [ˈkoʊkə] 英式发音: [ˈkəʊkə]





1.古柯(热带灌木,叶子用于制作可卡因)a tropical bush whose leaves are used to make the drug cocaine


n.1.a South American bush whose leaves are used for making cocaine

1.古柯古柯COCA)是一种类似灌木的植物,其上生长着不大的树叶,正是这些小树叶,经过干燥、粉碎、提炼、提纯等多道工序, …

2.古柯叶  古柯叶 (coca) 和可口可乐 (coca-cola) 名称都带有“coca”到底两者有关连吗?告诉你吧,在提炼可卡因的过程中会产生一种副产 …


4.柯卡而“异位性”一词为柯卡(Coca)于1925年首先倡议,其含义是:患者或家族成员易罹哮喘病、枯草热、过敏性鼻炎、荨麻疹、湿疹 …

5.可口可乐以古柯1886年问世的可口可乐以古柯(Coca)树叶和柯拉(Kola)子的浸渍抽提液,加适量的甜味剂、酸味剂、色素、缓冲剂、乳化剂、稳 …

6.China Outdoor Commerce Alpance  China Outdoor Commerce Alpance (COCA), was approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of PRC, and the community to engag…

7.当代英语语料库美国当代英语语料库(COCA)——英语教学与研究的良好平台 相关文章推荐 单期定价:4.30元/期全年定价:3.43元/期 共20.60 …


1.He said Coca-Cola might have used its carbonated beverage brands to promote Huiyuan or bundle products together for sale.他说,可口可乐公司有可能利用其碳酸饮料品牌,以促进产品汇源或捆绑在一起出售。

2.It has put itself (in the phrase of a Coca-Cola executive with a pterary bent) "always within an arm's length of desire. "它这样形容自己:「渴望,总在一个手臂的距离之内」(这句话来自爱好文学的可口可乐执行官)。

3.A few days ago, Adam Brown, the head of digital communications at Coca-Cola, got his car washed and the sun shone down on him in Atlanta.几天前,可口可乐(Coca-Cola)数字沟通主管亚当·布朗(AdamBrown)在亚特兰大把车洗了,浑身沐浴着阳光。

4.The Indians said the road would be a boon to coca growers, whose union Mr Morales still heads, and expand their plantations.这位印第安总统称这条路将为可可种植者带来惠泽,并拓展他们的种植园。莫拉莱斯仍然担任古柯种植者联盟的主席。

5.eg: 1 The Coca-Cola Company might have been wiser to leave the old Coke alone and introduce New Coke as a brand extension.可口可乐公司本应聪明一点,让老牌可乐照卖不误,同时将新口味可乐作为品牌延伸推向市场。

6.The company also said in the ads it was time "to state the facts and to help you understand the truth behind Coca-Cola. "广告还称,现在是时候“说明事实,帮你了解可口可乐背后的真相了”。

7.Scottish engineers brought crates of it up the Congo and Zambezi rivers decades before Coca-Cola set foot on the continent.早在可口可乐进驻非洲的几十年前,苏格兰工程师就带着成箱的尊尼获加来到刚果和赞比西河。

8.Coca-Cola said the rumor stemmed from an issue with Brazipan orange products a year ago, but that the truth had been distorted.可口可乐表示谣言源于一年前巴西橙原料的问题,但是真相被扭曲。

9.Ian Rush booked Liverpool's place in the semi-finals of the Coca-Cola Cup with a typically lethal strike to gun down Arsenal at Anfield.在安菲尔德,伊恩·拉什用其代表性的致命进球击毙阿森纳,为红军预定了可口可乐杯半决赛的席位。

10.Buffett tends to be a long-term investor and has held positions in corporations pke Coca Cola for years.巴菲特一直致力于搞长期投资,投资目标包括像可口可乐这样的公司。