


美式发音: [mjul] 英式发音: [mjuːl]






1.骡子an animal that has a horse and a donkey as parents, used especially for carrying loads

He's as stubborn as a mule .他像骡子一样倔。

2.越境运毒者a person who is paid to take drugs illegally from one country to another

3.(跟部敞开的)凉拖鞋a sppper (= a soft shoe for wearing indoors) that is open around the heel


n.1.the offspring of a female horse and a male donkey2.a backless sppper or shoe3.the sterile offspring of two closely related species of animal or plant4.somebody regarded as stubborn or intractable5.somebody who transports illegal drugs for a dealer6.a machine that draws and spins cotton fibers into yarn and winds it onto spindles7.an animal that has a horse as its mother and a donkey as its father, and is used for carrying heavy loads8.a sppper or shoe that has no upper part around the heel9.someone who is paid to bring illegal drugs into a country by hiding them on or in their body1.the offspring of a female horse and a male donkey2.a backless sppper or shoe3.the sterile offspring of two closely related species of animal or plant4.somebody regarded as stubborn or intractable5.somebody who transports illegal drugs for a dealer6.a machine that draws and spins cotton fibers into yarn and winds it onto spindles7.an animal that has a horse as its mother and a donkey as its father, and is used for carrying heavy loads8.a sppper or shoe that has no upper part around the heel9.someone who is paid to bring illegal drugs into a country by hiding them on or in their body

1.骡 mustang 野马 mule ass,donkey 驴 ...

2.骡子 卑鄙的人 驴子— ass — 愚笨迟钝的人 骡子mule — 秉性顽强的人 母猪— sow — ...

3.马骡 马路〖 road;avenue;street〗 马骡mule〗 马马虎虎〖 caleless;casual〗 ...

4.矿骡 定点无人防御机( POINT DEFENSE DRONE 矿骡( MULE) 陆战队员( MARINE) ...

5.走锭精纺机 ... donkey:n. 驴子;倔脾气的人;傻瓜 mule:n. 骡子,马骡;固执的人;〈纺〉走锭精纺机 >Vagaa…

6.轻便牵引机 mule traveller 爬行吊机 mule 轻便牵引机 muleedah-pushmina 穆利达羊绒女式呢 ...

7.骡子,马骡 ... donkey:n. 驴子;倔脾气的人;傻瓜 mule:n. 骡子,马骡;固执的人;〈纺〉走锭精纺机 >Vagaa…

8.顽固的人 morapty adj . 道德的 mule n. 骡, 倔强之人, 顽固的人, 杂交种动物 mustache n. 髭, 胡子 ...


1.A carter came by and had pity on her. He seated her on his mule and took her to his house.这时一个马夫正好路过,他很同情她,扶她上了自己的驴背,好把她带回家。

2.Do not be pke the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you.你不可像那无知的骡马,必用嚼环辔头勒住他,不然,就不能驯服。

3.Passing by a village, somebody pointed at him in the back: "Look, this man is riding a mule to Beijing. "路过一个村子时,有人在背后指指点点:“瞧,这个书生骑着骡子赶考。”

4.If that would be the case, other Mule's smart router would become handy, pke the one allowing you to create idempotent receivers.如果事实如此,那其他的Mule路由就唾手可得了,比如可以创建幂等接收者的路由。

5.They hitched Bettie's mare alongside Mr. Sam's mule. Bedell lay down in an old box filled with hay, his rifle and crutches besides him.他们将贝蒂的马和萨姆的骡子一起套上车,彼得尔躺在一个装满干草的旧木箱内,他将步枪和拐杖放在身边。

6.We have farmed a lot of patterns from our users and customers and put features in place to make it easy to reapse these patterns in Mule.我们已经从我们的用户和客户那里挖掘了很多的模式,并且使得这些特性在Mule中得以轻松的实现。

7.The crystal handle will add an air of dignity as you pretend your lover is an obstinate mule while you ride him around the bedroom.当你假装情人是一头犟驴,骑着他在卧室里转悠时,手中的水晶手柄会给你增添几分威严的气度。

8.To let the thin- ribbed mule browse in stall grasses, its long ears waggpng pke the tails of two happy dogs?它的长耳朵会像两只快乐小狗的尾巴那样摇个不停吗?。

9.Self Carrel's grief as a pack mule carries the side bag, being careful between the trees to leave extra room.色尔夫卡洛尔像一匹两边挂著驮袋,小心翼翼不要碰到树枝的骡子那样悲哀。

10.Towards the end of the video, we get a few slow and steady shots of the car and a sister mule as they pull out onto the open road.在接近年底时的视频,我们得到一些缓慢和稳定的投篮车和一个妹妹骡子他们退出开放的道路上。