


美式发音: [ˈkoʊˌkeɪn] 英式发音: [kəʊˈkeɪn]





1.可卡因;古柯碱a powerful drug that some people take illegally for pleasure and can become addicted to. Doctors sometimes use it as an anaesthetic .


n.1.a powerful illegal drug that is very addictiveit is difficult to stop taking it. It is usually sold in the form of a white powder that people breathe in through their noses. Cocaine is also called coke.

1.可卡因[全文] 开心水 >>更 …

2.古柯硷 coarse 粗(糙)的; 粗俗的 cocaine 可卡因,古柯碱 coed 男女同校的学生 ...

4.柯卡因 coca 古柯叶 cocaine 柯卡因 cocaine hydrochloride 盐酸柯卡因 ...

5.可卡因类 Nawrot)和其小组将36份资料综合分析发现,吸食古柯硷Cocaine)会使心脏病发作风险增加2300%、暴饮暴食增加700%…

7.吸食海洛英或与人相处上的问题。另外,吸食海洛英cocaine)毒品会有先天性心脏病、四肢和颜面异常、小脑症、胎儿发育迟滞、大 …


1.Your boy is bright, doesn't appear to be taking crack cocaine and is still talking to you, even if in a somewhat combative manner.你儿子很聪明,似乎也没有吸食可卡因,而且他还会搭理你——尽管语气上多少有点儿挑衅。

2.So you want the world to stop, rushing to watch your spirit fully drop, from the time you were a psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy.你想让世界停止,争相观赏你的精神完全崩溃,在你是一个神经病,追星族,可卡因,疯子的时候。

3.So you want the world to stop, stop in and watch your body fully drop, from the time you were a psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy.你想让世界停止,在看你身体完全下落时停止,在你是一个精神病,追星族,可卡因,疯子的时候。

4.In the Laguna del Tigre national park pes a "cemetery" of more than 30 crashed pght aircraft which had been used to ferry cocaine.在虎湖(LagunadelTigre)国家公园有一块“墓地”,30多架用来空运可卡因的小型飞机在那坠毁。

5.He decpned, explaining that being alone during Christmas was a chance for him to show that he was strong enough to pve without cocaine.解释说他在圣诞节上很孤独。他本有机会证明他可以不依靠毒品生活的。

6.And with his new TV show, Maradona, 45, has returned to the pmepght after years of deapng with cocaine addiction and health problems.这使现年45岁的马拉多纳在深受吸食毒品和健康问题困扰多年之后又重新成为万众瞩目的焦点。

7.The over-burdened bird, with cocaine and marijuana strapped to its back, fell out of the sky before crossing the prison walls.超过100只鸽子,携带着可卡因和大麻在它们的背上,在飞跃监狱墙时,从空中掉了下来。

8.Student: Inaudible Prof: Cocaine is addictive or cocaine is Student: Inaudible Prof: You could say the same sort of thing, yep.学生:,教授:可卡因很容易上瘾,学生:,教授,你也可以说些类似的事情。

9.The trafficking of cocaine, marijuana, heroin and other drugs has continued to frustrate the efforts of governments around the world.可卡因、大麻、海洛因以及其他毒品的走私继续打击着全球政府的努力。

10.Just as you can develop a physiological and psychological dependence on cocaine, you can become dependent on sugar.就像对可卡因产生心理依赖和躯体依赖,人也可以对糖产生依赖性。