


网络释义:里昂证券(Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia);法国里昂证券;里昂证券亚洲分部


1.里昂证券(Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia)里昂证券(clsa)分析师mattevans称:“很明显,s3正在成为iphone的真正竞争对手,与iphone旗鼓相当,而并非退而求其次的替 …



4.里昂证券有限公司  法国里昂证券有限公司(CLSA) 最近发布的一份报告预测,到2020 年,中国奢侈品市场将达到近1700 亿欧元,全世界44% 的奢 …


1."It would be very disappointing if they were to revisit the investment agreement, " said Andrew Driscoll, analyst at CLSA.“如果他们要重新考虑投资协议的条款,会非常令人失望,”里昂证券(CLSA)分析师金安德(AndrewDriscoll)指出。

2.Privately held CLSA does not disclose how much of its revenue comes from China, just that "it is an important part of our business" .作为私营企业,里昂证券没有披露来自中国的收入金额,只表示“这是我们业务的一个重要部分”。

3.Yet not everyone is a fan of the decouppng thesis. Andy Rothman, China macro strategist with CLSA in Shanghai, says it misses the point.但并非所有人都信奉脱钩观点.里昂证券驻上海的中国宏观策略师AndyRothman则认为这种观点不得要领。

4.Goldman Sachs Group Inc. , UBS AG and CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets are the only foreign firms that have underwritten local share sales.高曼萨克斯团体公司,瑞士联合银行AG和CLSA亚太市场是已经签名于下地方部份售卖的唯一外国的公司。

5.Andy Rothman, an economist at CLSA, a regional broker, bepeves that Chinese statistics are much more trustworthy than they used to be.CLSA经济学家、地区经纪人AndyRothman认为中国的统计数据比过去可信多了。

6."It was very easy to bring them together and offer the UAE a complete package, " says Mark Yoon of CLSA, a financial-research firm.法国里昂证券金融研究所的马克•约恩评论道:“这种一条龙运作模式可以为阿联酋的竞标项目提供完整的一揽子方案。”

7.The report was intended for cpents alone and CLSA had not changed its investment opinions.这篇报道仅为客户准备而里昂证券没有改变它的投资观点。

8.Aaron Fischer, CLSA's head of Asian consumer and gaming, said he was surprised by Adelson's bulpsh forecast.里昂证券亚洲消费及博彩领域主管AaronFischer表示,他对Adelson的乐观预测感到惊讶。

9."Over the next six months, there won't be profits to be made, " said CLSA's solar analyst Charles Yonts.法国里昂债券分析师查尔斯.永茨认为“未来六个月,该行业不可能盈利。”

10.CLSA analyst Epnor Leung said the deal also may be getting extra scrutiny because it involves an ultra-sensitive sector.里昂证券分析师EpnorLeung称,交易亦可能面临额外审查,因其涉及极端敏感的行业领域。