


美式发音: [tʃɪrz] 英式发音: [tʃɪə(r)z]






int.thanks,thank you,thanks a lot,goodbye,bye



1.(用于祝酒)干杯a word that people say to each other as they pft up their glasses to drink

2.(informal)谢谢thank you

‘Have another biscuit.’ ‘Cheers.’“再来一块饼干。”“谢谢。”


Cheers then. See you later.告辞了。再见。




int.1网站屏蔽ed for expressing good wishes when holding a glass of alcohol, just before you drink it2.thank you3.good-bye

n.1.The plural of cheer

v.1.The third person singular present tense of cheer

1.干杯 I am pleased to meet you. 很高兴遇见你。 Cheers 干杯 Ankle Biter: 小孩,小不点儿 ...

2.快乐工作人 ... 05、 飞向月球 Fly Me to the Moon 06、 乾杯,朋友 Cheers,My Friends 07、 虹彩妹妹 Sister Rainbow ...


5.谢谢 Thank you very nuch indeed. 真的非常感谢你。 Cheers. 谢谢。 Great. 好极了。 ...

6.欢呼 道歉/ apology 欢呼/ cheers 不高兴/ pish ...

7.喝彩 烟雾效果 FKT Smoke 欢呼,喝彩 Cheers 抽象风格 Bevel Extras ...

8.干杯酒吧斯莱特(Glenn Slater)创作,编剧则由《干杯酒吧》(Cheers)的编剧比尔·斯坦科尔纳( Bill Steinkellner)和查理·斯坦科尔纳(Cheri…


1.The highpght was when he competed in an obstacle course to the cheers of the children.最为精彩的一幕是当他超级障碍训练赛,孩子们在现场为其加油。

2.He releases the ball. It swings back, dangerously close to his chin, but does not rise any higher. The audience laughs and cheers.他放开球,球荡回来的位置离他的下巴只有毫发之差,但并没有升得更高,课堂上传来一阵欢呼大笑。

3.You know he is a hot dog because when he makes such a catch , he bows to the crowd , hoping to win their cheers.您知道他是一个热狗,因为,当他做这样抓住时,他鞠躬对人群,希望赢取他们的欢呼。

4.well, It cheers people greatly that the general manager has been fired. Hope more black sheep get out and the company develops better!嗯,这样的害群之马被炒真是大快人心。希望有更多的害群之马离开,公司发展地更好!

5.As he took his oath standing on the balcony of Federal Hall, a crowd broke into cheers.当他站在联邦大厅的阳台上宣誓时,群众开始欢呼。

6.The young swimmer got so tired that she wanted to stop, but she was carried along by the cheers of her classmates.年轻的女游泳运动员累得不想游了,但她的同学给她加油,鼓励她继续游下去。

7.Loud cheers greeted the termination of his speech, but it was obvious from some of the men's faces that they resented Grinder's remarks.他讲话结束时爆发了热烈欢呼声,但从有些人的面部表情来看,他们显然讨厌格林德的论调。

8.When the ban came into force at midnight, correspondents said there was a moment's silence, before the square erupted in cheers.当午夜禁令开始执行的时候,记者说那一刻非常宁静,之后广场爆发出欢呼声。

9.By midday he is at the Shanghai restaurant, Cheers, which he and eight classmates from his MBA programme opened in July.正午时分他会到店里,那是他和八位MBA同学今年7月在上海开的餐厅——Cheers。

10.There were a lot of students from different parts of England and I seem to remember almost all of them saying "cheers" .我们学校有很多来自英格兰各地区的学生,我貌似记得他们所有人都说“cheers”……