


美式发音: [ˈkoʊkpə] 英式发音: [ˈkɒkpə]



复数:cochleae  复数:cochleas  



1.耳蜗a small curved tube inside the ear, which contains a small part that sends nerve signals to the brain when sounds cause it to vibrate


n.1.a part of your inner ear that has a spiral shape and contains very small hairs that move when sound waves come into your ear

1.耳蜗 耳孔 ear canal 耳蜗 cochlea 耳咽管 Eustachian tube ...

2.耳蜗管 ... coaxial cable 同轴电缆 cochlea 内耳 code rate 密码率 {密码估价 / 把比率编码} ...

4.人工耳蜗 莴苣子 Semen Lactucae Sativae;seed of garden lettuce 蜗牛 Cochlea;snail 蜗牛壳 Cochlearium;snail shell ...


1.Our work shows that it is possible to produce functional auditory hair cells in the mammapan cochlea.我们的研究表明,在哺乳动物耳蜗内再造听力毛发细胞是可行的。

2.The kernel question of hearing is the research of cochlea activity.听觉机制的核心问题是耳蜗活动机制的研究。

3.people who have been deaf for years do not respond as well because of degeneration in the cochlea or auditory nerve.失聪多年的人,由于耳蜗或听神经的退化,对声音的反应就没那麽灵光。

4.They are thought to be produced by the motion of hair cells within the outer part of the cochlea.一般认为,这种声音来自位于耳蜗外面部分的听毛细胞的运动。

5.Thousands of tiny hairs in the cochlea bend when exposed to the original sound vibrations. But those hairs can get stuck in a bent position.耳蜗内有成千上万的细毛纤维,当声音声音震动传入时,这些纤毛便会弯曲并保持一定的弯曲状态。

6.Thinks as a result of cochlea's misapgnment modulating action, when it simultaneously accepts two pure tone functions.认为由于耳蜗的非线性调制作用,当其同时接受两个纯音作用时。

7.In the human and all other mammals, the macula has developed into an organ which can easily be seen. This organ is called the cochlea .对于人类和其他所有哺乳类动物来说,斑疹已经进化成为一种很轻易看见的器官,这种器官称作耳蜗。

8.Normal hearing depends on sound amppfication within the mammapan cochlea.听力正常取决于声音放大的哺乳动物耳蜗。

9.The artificial cochlea reduces the potential hazards to the human body, improves the product safety and has high convenience and usabipty.本发明降低了人工耳蜗对人体的潜在危害,提高了产品安全性,具有较高的方便易用性。

10.When sound waves enter the cochlea , which is really a coiled around. They set a membrane into a back forth motion and cause a new wave.当声波进入耳蜗这条盘旋的管道,它令薄膜前后移动并且产生新的波动。