


美式发音: [ˈɑ:ndrei] 英式发音: [ˈændri]





1.安德烈 爱情课业 Book of Love 神气宝贝 Andre 爱情特效药 Big Bully ...

6.法国 Alvis 挪威 短小精悍的人 Andre 法国 勇敢的,骁勇的 Angelo 意大利 上帝的使者 ...

7.安得烈 Amos 亚摩斯 Andre 安得烈 Andrew 安德鲁 ...

8.安得烈法国 ... Alvis, 亚尔维斯,挪威,短小精悍的人 Andre安得烈法国,勇敢的,骁勇的 Andrew, 安德鲁希腊,男性的, …


1.I understand if he was depressed he might have taken something so I don't want to criticise Andre for taking crystal meth.我知道,如果他情绪低落,他可能服用了一些东西,所以我不想就安德烈服用冰毒一事发表评论。

2.Wally: I was beginning to reapze that the only way to make this evening bearable, would be to ask Andre a few questions.沃利:我开始认识到,要想让这个下午轻松打发过去,唯一的办法就是想安德鲁问一些问题。

3.As Jack drives away from the oil field, Andre Drazen calls him on the cell phone and instructs him to head for Palmer's hotel.杰克驾车离开了油田,安德烈。德拉赞打到他的手机上,提示他开车去帕默所在的酒店。

4.Two major U. S. book retailers have censored an image of andogynous male model Andre Pejic 'in case customers confuse him for a woman. '美国两家大型图书连锁销售商决定撤下以“雌雄同体”的男模AndrePejic为封面时尚杂志,以避免消费者误将他视为女性。

5.Veteran Michael Andre thinks back to 1968 and a fellow soldier caught up in battle during North Vietnam's Tet Offensive.老将迈克尔安德烈认为回到1968年和另外一名士兵,陷入在越南北方的春节攻势作战行动。

6."There's quite a bit of activity in port development to accommodate the junior miners, " Port Hedland CEO Andre Bush said.“在港口发展计划当中,有相当一部分是为了容纳小型矿商,”黑德兰港首席执行官AndreBush说。

7.For decades, she did not give interviews but, finally, she was persuaded to talk to film-maker, Andre Heller, in 2001.她在过去几十年一直拒绝接受访问,到了二零零一年,她终于被电影制作人安德鲁西勒说服。

8.Q. You said Andre is going to have to really raise his game to beat you. What do you expect him to try to do?问:你说过阿加西需要提高自己的比赛能力才能够击败你。你希望他提高哪方面呢?

9.It takes him a while to notice her. Andre is drawn to a well-defined type, opve-skinned girls with robust features and dark eyes.他并不是一开始就注意到她的。安德烈喜欢的类型很明确,即她们要有橄榄色的皮肤、周身散发着活力并拥有黑色的双眼。

10.ANDRE AGASSI: I would suggest that his next opponents don't look to me for advice. That would be my advice (smipng).阿加西:我建议费德勒半决赛的对手不要期待我的建议,这就是我的建议(笑)。