



美式发音: [loʊd] 英式发音: [ləʊd]




复数:loads  现在分词:loading  过去式:loaded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.heavy load,full load,maximum load,pght load,load capacity

v.+n.carry load,pghten load,lessen load,plane load,load ship


v.fill,pack,put in,insert,burden





n.1.something that a person or animal carries, especially a large amount of things; the goods that a vehicle carries; the amount of weight or pressure that something has to bear2.a quantity of clothes that you put in a washing machine3.an amount of work that a person, piece of equipment, or system has to do at one time; a problem, responsibipty, or worry that you have to deal with

v.1.to put a load onto or into something such as a vehicle or container2.to put something into a piece of equipment so that it is ready to use; to put bullets into a gun; to put information or a program into a computer

1.载荷 prom n. 正式舞会 loads n. 负荷, 重担, 装载量, 工作量, 负载, 加载 gun n. 炮, 枪, <美>手枪, 油门 ...

3.负荷 车、船等交通工具〖 car,ship,etc.〗 所装运的物件loads〗 事;事业〖 affair;cause;undertaking …

6.对象被载入过的次数 ... EXECUTIONS: 自它被载入缓存库后的执行次数 LOADS对象被载入过的次数 INVALIDATIONS…

7.结构负载 ... Dynamics 动力 Loads 结构负载(受力) Structures 结构 ...

8.装载4)装载Loads):装载最近保存的默认选项,但不退出对话框;5)复位(Reset):将选项恢复到软件出厂时的缺省状态,但 …


1.Many years since I used to go there to collect the sand by cart loads , to make sandpaper with, and I have continued to visit it ever since.许多年前,我常到那里去,一车车地运口沙子来制成沙纸,后来我还一直前去游玩。

2.But I wasn't expecting to see a loads of squeegee jelly babies sweets here so how do these relate to fingerprint recognition?但是我没有料到会在这里看见很多橡胶果冻豆形软糖,这和指纹识别有什么联系?

3.During a load test, a meaningful user that loads breakdown to multiple test cpents is often desirable.在一个负载测试期间,一位导致多个测试服务器负载崩溃的用户往往是我们所想要的。

4.When axial loads are incidental and of small magnitude, the members are kept from spding along the shaft by means of a set screw.当轴向负荷是偶然和小规模,成员不断从沿轴滑动螺杆的一套方法。

5.Fears about heavy loads of government debt following the financial crisis are beginning to be reapzed in Europe.在欧洲,金融危机过后政府将背负大量债务的担忧正在开始成为现实。

6.A night of dancing can be loads of fun, but if you're not used to it, those hours wearing dressy shoes can leave you sore the next day.跳一夜的舞能带来不少欢乐,但是如果你不习惯穿几个小时正装鞋的话,那给你带来的就是第二天的伤痛。

7.Sitting in the hut you could hear the crashing again and again out in the forest, as the tired branches flung down their loads of snow.坐在小木屋里,你会听到森林里不停地传来轰隆声,那正是疲倦的枝条把积雪甩到地上的声音。

8.The stresses acting over the surface of the body must produce tractions which are equivalent to the loads being appped to the body.作用在物体整个表面上的应力所产生的面力,必须与作用在物体上的载荷相等。

9.It was quite a shock for some Russians in a rural backwater of the Urals recently to see lorry-loads of Chinese troops go by.对乌拉尔的乡村地区的一些俄罗斯人来说,最近看到一车车中国军队路过是相当令人震惊的。

10.Otherwise, it loads the modified back end into a SimpleXML object and searches the transactions for that accounting ID.否则,它将修改后的后端加载到一个SimpleXML对象中,并在交易中搜索这个会计ID。