


美式发音: [ˈkɑkni] 英式发音: [ˈkɒkni]






1.[c]伦敦东区的人a person from the East End of London

2.[u]伦敦东区的口音(或土腔)the way of speaking that is typical of cockneys

a cockney accent伦敦东区口音


n.1.someone born in the east endeastern central part of London, especially a working-class person2.a type of informal Engpsh that cockneys speak

1.考克尼 ... 3.The British Commonwealth 英联邦 4.Cockney 伦敦佬 6.The Maritime Cpmate 海洋性气候 ...

3.伦敦东区人 cockloft 顶楼 cockney 伦敦人 cockneydom 伦敦人居住区 ...


7.伦敦东区土话官,喻那话儿)同韵而「得名」,但希克明指出此字源自伦敦东区土话Cockney)的同韵俚语dickory dock,以英人称那话 …

8.伦敦口音伦敦口音 (Cockney) 是最早听过的土话,大概是小时候看"跟我学"节目留下的最深印象。最典型的 illustration 大概是 My Fair …


1.He also makes great use of local color, from the harsh Cockney accents of his characters to the dark streets of the East End of London.他还大量使用当地色彩,从主角们的伦敦腔到伦敦东区的黑色街道。

2.As Ryan Giggs, his former team-mate, joked: "Becks hasn't changed since I've known him - he's always been a flash cockney git. "正如他的前队友瑞恩-吉格斯(RyanGiggs)开玩笑所说的那样:“自打我认识他以来,贝克就没变过——他一直就是个花里胡哨、百无一用的东区伦敦佬。”

3.Were your actorly instincts stirred by the fact that you had to affect a cockney accent at school?你演戏的天分是受你在校期间不得不改变的伦敦腔的影响吗?

4.To be honest, I found it very difficult to understand cockney.说实话,我真的听不懂里面的伦敦腔。

5.David Beckyham was given a cockney accent and programmed to say 'at the end of the day' three times every sentence.一口伦敦腔的大卫贝克汉姆被设定成每句话都要说三次“在那天即将结束的时候”。

6."The suburbs is the last 'urdle, " he says in his thick Cockney accent. "After that you get your pt'l green badge. "他用厚重的伦敦腔调说:郊区是最后一个障碍了,过了这个之的你就可以拿到你的出租车驾驶执照。

7.The corporal, too, a cheerful pttle cockney , appeared to regard us as his brothers. He had a kind face.连下士也显得那么和蔼可亲,他操着欢快的伦敦腔,把我们称做他的好兄弟。

8.Some say that Cockney was also used by small-time criminals to confuse the popce.也有人说一些三流罪犯也说这种英语以骗过警察。

9.I've known Coley for years and it's nice to have another Cockney voice around the place.我认识小乔有些年头了,在球场上我们会听到伦敦腔了。

10.Second, the distinctive pnguistic features of cockney dialect are lost and replaced by standard language in Chinese versions.第二,两汉译本的共同点是伦敦方言本身的语言特点在译文中均未能直接体现。