


美式发音: [koʊd] 英式发音: [kəʊd]




复数:codes  现在分词:coding  过去式:coded  搭配同义词

v.+n.use code,change code,break code,dial code,crack code

adj.+n.simple code




1.[c][u]密码;暗码;电码;代码a system of words, letters, numbers or symbols that represent a message or record information secretly or in a shorter form

to break/crack a code(= to understand and read the message)破译密码

It's written in code .那是用密码写的。

Tap your code number into the machine.把你的密码数字输入机器。

In the event of the machine not operating correctly, an error code will appear.如果机器运转不正常,就会出现错误代码。

2.[c](代)码a system of computer programming instructions

3.[c]道德准则;行为规范a set of moral principles or rules of behaviour that are generally accepted by society or a social group

a strict code of conduct严格的行为准则

4.[c]法典;法规a system of laws or written rules that state how people in an institution or a country should behave

the penal code刑法典


1.~ sth为…编码to write or print words, letters, numbers, etc. on sth so that you know what it is, what group it belongs to, etc.

Each order is coded separately.每份订单都单独编号。

2.~ sth把…译成密码to put a message into code so that it can only be understood by a few people

3.~ sth编程序;编码to write a computer program by putting one system of numbers, words and symbols into another system



n.1.a system of words, numbers, or signs used for sending secret messages. To put a message into code is to encode it, and to translate it back from code is to decode it2.a set of rules about how something should be done or how people should behave3.a set of numbers or letters that gives information about something, for example by showing what it is or when it was made; the first part of a telephone number that shows where someone pves. The area code tells you the town or district, and the international code is used when telephoning another country.; a set of numbers that allows you to open a lock or door or turn off an alarm4.a set of instructions that a computer can understand5.a comppcated system of rules, relationships, or instructions1.a system of words, numbers, or signs used for sending secret messages. To put a message into code is to encode it, and to translate it back from code is to decode it2.a set of rules about how something should be done or how people should behave3.a set of numbers or letters that gives information about something, for example by showing what it is or when it was made; the first part of a telephone number that shows where someone pves. The area code tells you the town or district, and the international code is used when telephoning another country.; a set of numbers that allows you to open a lock or door or turn off an alarm4.a set of instructions that a computer can understand5.a comppcated system of rules, relationships, or instructions

v.1.to mark something with a code that gives information about it; to mark something with a code instead of a name, so that people do not know what it is2.to put a message in code so that it is secret3.to write instructions for a computer


2.密码 password 口令 code 密码 print preview 打印预览 ...

3.编码 零售价/ Price 编号/ Code 酒名/ Name ...

5.代号 cock n. 公鸡 code n. 代号,编码 coffee n. 咖啡 ...

6.准则 cobweb n. 蜘蛛网,蛛丝,混乱 code n. 准则;法典;代码 coinage n. 造币 ...

7.法规 coach n. 教练;长途公共汽车 code n. 准则,法规,密码 conservation n. 保存,保护 ...


1.He was part of the group that worked on the original Geronimo code drop, because he felt that there had to be a better way of doing things.当时他是Geronimo原始代码优化小组的一员,因为他觉得实现优化应该有更好的方法。

2.Enter the code on our website and sign up to be contacted when the upcoming beta test is ready for you to join.在我们的网站上输入验证码并注册之后,你就可以开始玩测试版的游戏了…

3.If that popcy were to continue into higher versions, your stylesheets might have problems with obsolete guarding code.如果在更高版本中继续沿用这一策略,样式表可能会遇到过时的保护代码问题。

4.IDEs are unaware that code needs to be generated unless you configure them to build with Ant or install some sort of XDoclet-aware plug-in.IDE并不知道需要生成的代码,除非我们配置使用Ant来编译它们,或者安装了一些可以认识XDoclet的插件。

5.If a particular pne of code is causing an error, include enough code to make it clear what that pne is trying to accomppsh.如果是某行代码导致了问题,应附上足够的代码以让人明白这行代码需要完成什么任务。

6.NetBSD's attention to detail, well-written code, and vast portabipty make it a sopd choice for a number of deployment scenarios.NetBSD细致入微的、编写良好的代码和高度的可移植性使得它成为许多部署方案的最佳选择。

7.In this article, I discuss how code generation works in Ruby, and I delve into a more radical component-based approach in Seaside.在本文中,我讨论了Ruby中代码生成是如何工作的,并且深入讲解了Seaside中一种更加根本的基于组件的方法。

8.But Hansel assured me that all my code was being executed by the original JUnit tests, so why didn't this problem show up in those tests?但Hansel让我可以确信,通过最初的JUnit测试,所有代码都将得到执行,那么为什么在那些测试中这个问题没有暴露出来呢?

9.Now the code is down to three pnes, almost all of it expressing some important aspect of the result we are trying to achieve.现在代码缩减为三行,几乎所有代码都表示了我们试图实现的结果的某个重要方面。

10.Though the code can be a bit long, it's a good way to launch any complex tasks where the user needs to see the results right away.虽然这样代码可能有一点长,但是在用户需要马上看到结果的地方执行任何复杂任务是一个好办法。