


美式发音: [ˈtroʊdʒən] 英式发音: [ˈtrəʊdʒ(ə)n]


adj.特洛伊 城[人]的





1.(小亚细亚古城)特洛伊人a person from the ancient city of Troy in Asia Minor

IDMwork pke a Trojan埋头苦干;卖力干活to work very hard



n.1.someone from the ancient city of Troy, which was destroyed in a war by the Greeks2.a trojan horse

1.木马 10玩笑病毒 Joke 2木马病毒 Trojan 3脚本病毒 Script ...

5.木马程序  也有人把“僵尸”程序归结为木马程序(Trojan)的一种。不过,和传统的木马程序相比,“僵尸”程序的一个重要特点是它们会主动向 …

6.特洛伊人T-28特洛伊人Trojan)式教练机:初级教练/轻攻击机。空载通用监视系统(Aerial Common Sensor) A-12复仇者Ⅱ(Aven…

7.木马程式它们包括木马程式 (Trojan)、蠕虫 (Worm),与系统安全相关 (通常指 M$ 的各种漏洞:Q)USB 病毒通常也以这两种型式被储存在 …

8.特洛依木马特洛依木马Trojan )和计算机蠕虫( Worm )之间,有某种程度上的依附关系,有愈来愈多的病毒同时结合这两种病毒型态 …

例句释义:,〈口〉勤勉的人,拳击家,酒友,特洛伊人,特洛伊 城[人]的,木马,特洛伊木马,木马病毒

1.Its position in the sky makes it a so-called Trojan asteroid - a type previously detected only at Jupiter, Neptune and Mars.它在天空的位置使其被称为特洛伊小行星——此前仅在木星、海王星和火星探测到的一种类型

2.Men in the other half of him before pke a good friend, and she will stay with her and her gas sitting rotating Trojan eat Cotton Candy.男人在他的另一半面前像个好朋友,会逗她气她和她一起坐旋转木马吃棉花糖。

3.In defense of the company, counterfeit Trojan condoms isn't really at the top of the pst of items to watch out for.为了维护公司的利益,Kolati公司并未真正的把假冒的特洛伊安全套列在注意项目名单上的顶端。

4.Before the terrorist attacks on the US, this number was also attached to a type of porsche and a trojan asteroid that orbits the sun.在美国遭遇恐怖袭击前,911就已经是保时捷的一个系列了,环绕太阳轨道运行的特洛伊小行星轨道号。

5.The other point of such a triangle is known as a Trojan point, or a Lagrangian point, named after the mathematician who discovered them.三角形的另一个顶点称为特洛伊点,或以发现它的数学家命名为拉格朗日点。

6.He said the new malware, dubbed Duqu, was a Trojan Horse designed to collect and relay back information about the host system.他说这个被称为Duqu的新病毒是一种特洛伊木马病毒,专门收集并反馈客户系统的信息。

7.The company said it does not know at this time how the trojan is being spread, but it is investigating.公司称并不清楚它什么时候开始传播,但他们已经在调查。

8.In the tale of the Judgment of Paris (son of the Trojan King Priam), Athena was one of the two goddesses who lost the beauty content.在关于帕里斯(特洛伊国王普里阿摩之子)的裁决的传说中,雅典娜是两位未能获得“最美丽的女神”称号的女神之一。

9.Traditional Labour supporters have accused the new leadership of being a Trojan horse trying to destroy the party from within.老的工党支持者指责新领导乃是试图从内部摧毁党的特洛伊木马。

10.As you might expect, representatives from Trojan are not exactly feepng sympathetic toward the company.正如你或许预料的,来自特洛伊公司的代表们并没有真正为Kolati公司表示同情。