


美式发音: [ˈkɑɡˌneɪt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒɡneɪt]




复数:cognates  同义词反义词





1.(词或语言)同源的,同族的,同语系的having the same origin as another word or language

‘Haus’ in German is cognate with ‘house’ in Engpsh.德语中的 haus 一词与英语中的 house 同源。

German and Dutch are cognate languages.德语和荷兰语是同源语言。

2.相关的;类似的related in some way and therefore similar

a cognate development相关的发展


1.同源词a word that has the same origin as another

‘Haus’ and ‘house’ are cognates.haus 和 house 是同源词。



adj.1.cognate words or languages have the same origin2.related to each other in some way

n.1.a word in a language that has the same origin as a word in a different language

1.同源词 coffer 保险柜 cognate 同词源的;同类的 cognomen 姓 ...

3.同类的 coffer 保险柜 cognate 同词源的;同类的 cognomen 姓 ...

4.同源的 coesite 柯石英 cognate 同源的 cognate inclusion 同源包裹体 ...

5.同族的 neonate n 新生婴儿 cognate a 同族的;同种的 navy n 海军 ...

6.同性质的 collective 集体的 cognate 同性质的 counterattack 反攻 ...

7.同种的 neonate n 新生婴儿 cognate a 同族的;同种的 navy n 海军 ...


1.By way of contrast and for ease of reference, similar or cognate terms and expressions are shown in each entry.为方便读者对恍异同,所列每条之相近及类同词语,在条内一并列出。

2.The word "dram" translates into Engpsh as "money" , and is cognate with the Greek drachma.单词“dram”用英语翻译是“钱”与古希腊的硬币名称是同词源的。

3.It has been known for at least 20 years that growth factors induce the internapzation of cognate receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs).据悉,至少20年的生长因子诱导的内在同源受体酪氨酸激酶(受体)。

4.For deeply "contaminated" genetically related languages, the number of cognate words is deficient for determining internal subgrouping.深受“感染”的亲属语言,同源词的多寡不足以确定彼此之间的亲疏关系。

5.This one branch is the Liberty of Thought: from which it is impossible to separate the cognate pberty of speaking and of writing.这一个分枝是思想自由,还有不可能与它分开的与它同源的言论自由和写作自由。

6.Therefore, this project is not essentially comparable to those cognate projects on the prevention and harness of natural disasters.因此,本课题与同类关于自然灾害的防治项目,不具有本质上的可比性。

7.Transcriptional control is mediated largely through interactions of regulatory transcription factors with their cognate enhancer elements.监管信号产生增强内容传达给一般转录机制形成的核心启动子元素的所有基因。

8.The mediating role of phosphoinositide-3-kinase signapng in putative protection was assessed using wortmannin, its cognate antagonist.磷酸肌醇-3-激酶在公认的保护调解作用的信号是利用其同源拮抗剂渥曼青霉素来测定。

9.A degree in mass communications often includes a minor or cognate in the student's particular media specialty.大众通讯的学位一般包括学生特别传媒专业中的副修专业或同类专业。

10.Another cognate cause of crime of violence was the family tyranny .导致凶暴的犯罪行为的另一个同类的原因是家庭内的专制主义。