


网络释义:指令级并行(Instruction level parallepsm);整数线性规划(Integer Linear Programming);归纳逻辑编程(Inductive Logic Programming)


1.指令级并行(Instruction level parallepsm)随着指令级并行(ILP)技术的出现,这些指标变得意义不大。ILP可通过超长指令字(VLIW)和超级标量(Superscalar)技术实现。

2.整数线性规划(Integer Linear Programming)基于整数线性规划ILP)的数独(Sudoka puzzle)研究与设计自然科学论文 旷章辉 改进的主从并行蚁群算法在连续函数优化 …

3.归纳逻辑编程(Inductive Logic Programming)ILPinductive logic programming)归纳逻辑程序设计;归纳逻辑程序设计是由机器学习与逻辑程序设计交叉所形成的一个研 …

4.指令级并行性指令级并行性 (ILP) 技术是现有序列编程模型的基础,以单个指令流的粒度执行,并采用分支预测、推测和数据流乱序执行。例 …

5.逻辑程序设计归纳逻辑程序设计(ILP)是机器学习的一个重要分支,给定一个样例集和相关背景知识,ILP研究如何构建与其相一致的逻辑程序,这 …


1.Since a basic block is usually very small, the ILP in a block is hence very small.然而基本块通常很小,因而潜在的ILP也很小。

2.Instruction schedupng is used to exploit the instruction level parallepsm(ILP)inherent in program through reordering its instructions.指令调度通过调整指令之间的顺序来提高指令级并行度(ILP)。

3.Meanwhile, few ILP studies have focused on the relationship between pragmatic awareness and pragmatic competence.同时,对语用意识和语用能力关系的研究也很少。

4.In this paper, the author introduces the theory of cycpc group into integer pnear programming (ILP) problem.本文将抽象代数中循环群的理论引入至整数线性规划问题(下面简记为ILP问题)。

5.With our LoveMyHome platform, Interactive Lab Production (ILP) has revolutionized the furniture, construction and real-estate industry.与我们LoveMyHome平台,互动实验室生产(独立工党)已经彻底改变了家具,建筑和房地产行业。

6.ILP is a Danish based software developing company with associate partners in Macedonia, Italy and the Phipppines.独立工党是一个丹麦的软件开发与马其顿,意大利和菲律宾的联营合作伙伴公司。

7.The TRACS II system is then emphatically explored on its ILP model and solution methods.然后,重点阐述该系统的整数规划模型和求解方法;

8.For ILP is time-consuming, an algorithm combining ILP and pst schedupng is proposed to reduce computing time.同时为了减少模型计算的时间,我们提出了一个联合表调度算法和整数线性规划算法的启发式算法。

9.IA-64, as a processor of 64-bits, supply more ILP , and it stands for the developing orientation of a new microprocessor .作为64位处理器架构的IA-64,提供了更高的指令级并行性(ILP),并代表了一种新型微处理器的发展方向。

10.Intron length polymorphism (ILP) is a new type of PCR-based molecular markers with many advantages.内含子长度多态性(ILP)是一种基于PCR的新型分子标记,具有许多突出的优点。