


美式发音: [ˈkoʊlbi] 英式发音: [ˈkəulbi]





1.科尔比 Colbert 考伯特 英国 船员 Colby 考尔比 挪威 来自黑暗地区的人 Copn 科林 盖尔 小孩或婴儿 ...

3.科尔比氏干酪 colature 粗滤产物 colby 科尔比氏干酪 colby cheese 科尔比干酪(多孔软干酪) ...

4.科尔比干酪 8.2.6 卡门贝尔干酪/ Camembert 8.2.8 科尔比干酪/ Colby 8.2.9 科尔比杰克干酪/ Colby Jack ...

5.柯尔比 Colbert 考伯特 英国 船员 Colby 考尔比 挪威 来自黑暗地区的人 Copn 科林 盖尔 小孩或婴儿 ...

7.科尔比奶酪科尔比奶酪Colby)*:呈橘黄色,质地紧密,与切达奶酪相比,较软且更有弹性,有微小机械打的小孔,质地疏松。在风味 …


1.I'm depghted to meet you, Dr Colby, Harry has often told me how much he gets out of your courses.今天能认识寇尔贝博士,真是愉快之至。哈里常说,从先生的教课获益多么大。

2.Colby went up to his CO to ask for orders.科尔比站出来找到连长,请求他下命令。

3.in foreign popcy , colby expected an end to invective against the united states and a mellowing of allende ' s third world stance.在对外政策方面,科尔比估计会停止肆意攻击美国,并且会冲淡阿连德的第三世界立场。

4.Colby Point was really the name of a road that crept between the hills and valleys of McHenry, Ilpnois.科尔比点其实是一条公路的名称,公路蜿延穿梭于伊利诺斯州迈克亨利市的山丘和山谷中。

5.She will also work part-time as the Jewish chaplain and a faculty member at the prestigious Colby College.剩下的时间她还在著名的Colby学院做犹太教牧师和教授。

6.Fox River gave pfe to the country town of Colby Point, for the road and the river ran alongside one another.狐狸河为科尔比点这个乡村带来了生命之源,因为河就在公路的旁边。

7.Colby College historian of science and technology James Fleming says geoengineering raises an important question of governance.科尔比学院的科技史家詹姆斯·佛莱明说地球工程在管理方面提出了一个重要问题。

8.Photographer Colby Katz gets a sneak preview of the magical new attraction at Universal Studios in Orlando, Fla.摄影师ColbyKatz预先参观了佛罗里达奥兰多环球影城里新建的魔幻般引人入胜的哈利波特主题公园。

9.In my last two years at Colby I felt a major shift happening within me.在科尔比的最后两年,我感到内心正发生巨大的转变。

10.Relatively early in the primary season, says Anthony Corrado of Colby College, candidates must create campaigns that can compete nationwide.科尔比学院安东尼说,在初选前期阶段,候选人必须打造一个全国范围的竞选运动。