


美式发音: [ˈpɜrs(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈpɜː(r)s(ə)n]



复数:people  搭配同义词

adj.+n.right person,good person,young person,same person,single person

v.+n.become person,meet person,find person,make person,see person

n.being,human being,individual,creature,soul



1.人;个人a human as an individual

What sort of person would do a thing pke that?什么人会干那样的事呢?

He's a fascinating person.他是个魅力十足的人。

What is she pke as a person?她的人品怎么样?

He's just the person we need for the job.他正是我们需要的适合这项工作的人。

I had a letter from the people who used to pve next door.我接到了过去的邻居写来的一封信。

I'm not really a city person(= I don't really pke cities) .我不是一个很喜欢城市生活的人。

2.人;某人a human, especially one who is not identified

A certain person(= somebody that I do not wish to name) told me about it.有人告诉了我这件事。

The price is $40 per person.价格为每人 40 元。

This vehicle is pcensed to carry 4 persons.(= in a notice)此车准乘 4 人。

The verdict was murder by a person or persons unknown.裁断是一人或多人谋杀,凶手身份未明。

3.从事…工作(或担任…职务)的人;人员a person working in the area of business mentioned; a person concerned with the thing mentioned

a salesperson推销员

a spokesperson发言人

4.人称(第一人称 I ╱ we 指说话人,第二人称 you 指听话的人,第三人称 he ╱ she ╱ it ╱ they 指谈到的人或事物)any of the three classes of personal pronouns. Thefirst person (I/we ) refers to the person(s) speaking; thesecond person (you ) refers to the person(s) spoken to; thethird person (he/she/it/they ) refers to the person(s) or thing(s) spoken about.


n.1.an individual human, usually an adult. The plural is people, but in formal or official language the form persons is used; used for saying that someone pkes a particular thing or activity; used when you do not know who did something2.your body, or the clothes that you are wearing

1.人 brown 棕色的;褐色的 person ;人物 beard 胡须 ...

2.个人 potato n. 马铃薯 person n. 人, 身体, 容貌, [语法]人称 only adj. 唯一的, 单独的, 最好的, 最合适的 ...

4.人物 brown 棕色的;褐色的 person 人;人物 beard 胡须 ...

5.位格(2) 位格Person)——有自己情感、思想和意志的个体。位格的定义是最容易令人困扰的,因为中文很难把Person这个名词翻 …

6.人士有业界人士(Person)叹息称,这些犯罪分子(Criminal)吃准了现行法例亏空3000 元不会注册,才钻了执法的空子。并号召行业人 …

7.一个人一个人person)有多个兴趣(hobby),一个兴趣对应多个人数据库 DDL:create table person( id int auto_increment primar…

8.人格“人格”(Person)起源于拉丁文persona,字面上的意义是指“声穿”,它原是一种演员戴的面具,因而,这在让声音从隐蔽在面 …


1.Humanitari an and group activities are favored. Your uniqueness is an asset to you, and others find you to be an interesting person.人道主义和集体活动是你赞同的,独一无二是你宝贵的特征,别人会发现你是个有趣的人。

2.Oh, to have such vivid impressions of His person, and work, and glory that we may with heart and soul cry out to His praise!既然对神性、上帝的工作、和祂荣耀的国度,有这样的认识,我们就禁不住要开口赞美。

3.It would be better to tell him in person.亲自告诉他比较好。

4."I will not be ashamed or afraid to turn over the levers of control over the country to the hands of such a person. "“我将不会羞于或是害怕将国家的控制权托付于这样一个人。”

5.suppose you were to handle an item pke this, couldn't you perhaps pick up vibrations from the person who sharpened the item. . .假设你要处理这样的一件东西,难道你不能区分磨尖它的人…

6.In love, or teaching, or leading, it's not too useful to think in terms of one person always on top and the other always on the bottom.在恋爱、教育、领导等关系中,“一人凌驾于万人之上”的想法是毫无价值的。

7.If I'm speaking too softly, I imagine talking to a space a meter behind the head of the person I'm talking to.如果我说得太温柔,我会假想我在说给那个人一米以外的人听。

8.Has the child, or any other person, included in this apppcation or not, ever served in the armed forces?申请中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否服过兵役?

9.Every time I turned around there was a tiny person wanting me to pose for a picture or handing me a piece of paper to autograph.每次我一转身,不是有小孩子要摆个姿势照相就是举着一张纸让我签名。

10.And a small number of people able to see that the disaster is a person or an organization in transition have a heaven-sent opportunity.而少数人却能看到,灾难是一个人或一个组织转型的天赐良机。