

cold fish

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n.1.somebody regarded as unfeepng or unfriendly

1.冷酷无情的人 coin a neat phrase 话说得很恰当 cold fish 冷酷无情的人 Columbus discovered America 陈年旧事 ...

2.冰冷热带鱼 hot water 麻烦 cold fish 冷漠的人 as busy as bee 极为忙碌 ...

4.死鱼 67.have the face 厚颜无耻. 68. cold fish 态度冷冰冰没有热情的人 69.the green years 青春年华 ...

6.冷冰冰的家伙 fish in trouble waters 浑水摸鱼 cold fish 冷冰冰的家伙 snap out of 重新振作起来 ...

7.冷淡的人 rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨 cold fish 冷淡的人 drink pke a fish 酒喝得很多 ...

8.态度冷淡的人 cool fish 冷静而大胆的家伙, 脸皮厚的人 cold fish 态度冷淡的人 big fish 大的收获和成就 ...


1.Nah, it was such a drag. My date was a cold fish. We hardly talked at all.才不呢,超无聊的。我的舞伴一副冷冰冰的样子。我们几乎没讲什么话。

2.Fed fish hiding under the boat, the heat of the fish in the boat in the cool shade, under the cold cold fish in the boat.鱼吃饱了在船下藏身,天热了鱼在船下乘凉,天冷了鱼在船下避寒。

3.Rumor has it you're a real cold fish. You think your shit smells sweeter than most.有传言说你是一个冷血动物,还觉得自己比谁都尿得高。

4.Is that how you see me? As some sort of prude who just lays there pke a cold fish?你就那么认为我?把我看成故做正经的女人,躺在那里像一条冷冰冰的鱼?

5.Our manager is a cold fish. He never jokes with us, and he only talks about work and business.我们经理是个严肃冷漠的人。他从来不跟我们开玩笑,他跟我们谈工作。

6.Let's not invite Joe to the party: he's such a cold fish. He'll spoil it for everybody else.别请乔伊来参加这次聚会。他这人对人太冷淡,太不友好。他来了会使其他所有人都扫兴的。

7.People say it you're a cold fish. Thay say you think your shit smells sweeter than most. That right?人们都说你是一个冷血动物,还觉得自己比谁都尿得高。是吗?

8.Proponents claim the body warms the cold fish, so diners can better focus on its taste and texture.拥护这种做法的人声称,人的体温会使冰冷的鱼变暖,这样,食客更能品尝出鱼的味道和嚼头。

9.He is a cold fish, no one wants to make friends with him.他是一个冷漠的人,没人想和他交朋友。

10.He haven't lend any helping hand to his friends when they were in the hot water. He is a cold fish!他从未在他朋友有困难时助他们一臂之力,他是个冷酷无情的人!