


网络释义:Connection Oriented Link Layer; 科尔岛; 大专


1.Connection Oriented Link Layerni的MPLS技术只需要一个控制面就可以实现完善的COLLConnection Oriented Link Layer)。

2.科尔岛 CD 存单 coll 大专(学历) wit. 目击者 ...

4.酷 ... [Basketball]( 篮球) [Coll]( ) [Double Clutch Shoot]( 左右倒手灌篮) ...

5.数据收集 单字分配 DIST 数据收集 COLL 装载 LD ...

6.胶原(collagen) 凝血酶( THR) 胶原COLL) 腺上肾素( ADR) ...


1.Coll did not crack the family's inner circle, so his conclusions on the matter are provisional.科尔并未与家族内部成员接触,因此,他只做出了暂时的结论。

2.Knowledgeable about private planes, luxury cars and new gadgetry, Salem became, as Coll puts it, a "royal concierge. "他对私人飞机,豪华汽车和新潮玩意了如指掌,科尔形容他是“王室的门房”。

3.But Saudi Arabia, Coll shows, is a place where the interests of rulers and revolutionaries are less easy to distinguish.但是,科尔表示,在沙特阿拉伯,统治者与革命者间的利益划分很难做到泾渭分明。

4.Even in 1990, Coll writes, he saw himself as "an international Islamic guerrilla leader who worked in service of his king. "科尔还写到,奥萨马甚至在1990年表示,自己是“一名为国王效忠的国际伊斯兰游击队队长。”

5.The world's most famous terrorist owes his fortune and his standing to a family business that Coll calls "the kingdom's Halpburton. "奥萨马·本·拉登--这个臭名昭著的恐怖分子因为家族企业而拥有了财富与地位,科尔称他们的公司是“王国的哈里伯顿”。

6.Coll suggests that he was haunted by the low status of his Syrian mother.科尔提到,因为叙利亚籍母亲的卑微身份,他总是被欺侮。

7.Coll says NATO plans to create an environment of security in Kandahar that would allow Afghans to create fresh poptical equations.科尔说,北约计划将创造一个安全的环境,使坎大哈阿富汗人创造新的政治方程式。

8.Given a sequence coll and an integer n, concatenating the results of coll. Take(n) and coll. Skip(n) yields the same sequence as coll.如果给定一个序列coll和一个整数n,则连接coll.Take(n)和coll.Skip(n)的结果会生成与coll相同的序列。

9."To please American audiences, the bin Ladens would have to seek forgiveness and denounce Osama, " Coll writes.“为了取悦美国人,本·拉登家族要寻求宽恕同时谴责奥萨马的行为,”科尔写到。

10.But, Steve Coll at the New America Foundation says the brother remains a problem, and Washington is just giving him more time to shape up.但是,史蒂夫科尔在新美国基金会说,弟弟仍是一个问题,华盛顿只是给他更多的时间来塑造了。