


美式发音: ['fɑdu] 英式发音: ['fɑ:du:]






n.1.a sad Portuguese folk song with guitar accompaniment

1.法朵 假自由之名 It's a free world 花渡 Fado 冰中慢行 Encounters at the End of the World ...

4.法朵音乐 里斯本( Lisbon) 不只是法多( Fado) 伦敦( London) ...


1.Entering this tiny small room, I found myself in a tavern. All by myself, I found a seat, enjoying fado music and films in the dark.进入这个房间之中,就如同置身于一间小酒馆一般,找张椅子坐下,在微暗的灯光下聆赏法朵、观赏影片。

2.A baritone who sings Fado and opera, he once auditioned (unsuccessfully) for a Portuguese version of "My Fair Lady" .作为一名演唱过法多和歌剧的男中音,科埃略还曾经面试过(还是以失败告终)葡萄牙版《窈窕淑女》中的角色。

3.But it fell to Lisbon MBA students to create, as part of their programme, a fado song to address the global financial crisis.但这项任务落在了里斯本MBA学员的身上:作为课程的一部分,他们需要创作一首法多歌曲,来解说全球金融危机。

4.Fado origins are probably from a mixture of African slave rhythms with traditional music of Portuguese sailors, with Arabic influence.法多的起源可能混合了非洲奴隶的节奏和葡萄牙水手传统音乐,并受到阿拉伯的影响。

5.Atlantic pght, the mournful wail of fado, enchanting palaces - and also sharp bars, sleek design stores and Santa Caterina street parties.大西洋情况,凄厉哀号的法多,-也大幅酒吧,时尚的设计商店和圣卡塔林纳街道派对迷人的宫殿。

6.The most renowned Portuguese music is Fado, a form of melanchopc music.最有名的葡萄牙音乐是法多(Fado),是一种表现忧郁音乐的形式。

7.One of the oldest and most famous fado houses in Lisbon.在里斯本的一个最古老和最有名的法多的房子。

8.Fado, the Portuguese folk music with the same raw essence as blues and flamenco, moves with the times.葡萄牙民歌法朵(Fado——又译为命运歌)与布鲁斯、弗拉门戈有着相同的乡土气息,需要与时俱进。

9.Fado is a bittersweet style music filled with longing and yearning.法朵是一种苦乐参半风格的音乐,充满了乡愁和渴望。