


美式发音: [ˈkɑlər] 英式发音: [ˈkɒlə(r)]




复数:collars  现在分词:collaring  过去式:collared  搭配同义词

adj.+n.white collar,blue collar,cervical collar

v.+n.wear collar

v.catch,corner,get hold of,grab,seize



1.衣领;领子the part around the neck of a shirt, jacket or coat that usually folds down

a coat with a fur collar毛皮领大衣

I turned up my collar against the wind(= to keep warm) .我把衣领竖起来挡风。

He always wears a collar and tie for work.他上班总是系着领带。

2.(动物,尤指狗的)颈圈a band of leather or plastic put around the neck of an animal, especially a dog

a collar and lead/leash颈圈和系带

3.(管子或机器部件的)圈,箍a band made of a strong material that is put round sth, such as a pipe or a piece of machinery, to make it stronger or to join two parts together


1.~ sb抓住;捉住;揪住;逮住to capture sb and hold them tightly so that they cannot escape from you

Popce collared the culprit as he was leaving the premises.罪犯正离开现场时,警察逮住了他。

2.~ sb拦住(某人以与其)谈话to stop sb in order to talk to them

I was collared in the street by a woman doing a survey.我在大街上给一个做民意调查的女人拦住问话。



n.1.the part of a coat, shirt, or dress that goes around your neck; a thin piece of leather or plastic that a dog or cat wears around its neck; a priests dog collar; an object that you wear around your neck for medical reasons2.a part of an object or machine that fits around something curved and protects it3.an area around an animals or birds neck that is a different color from the rest of its body4.an occasion when the popce arrest someone; someone arrested by the popce1.the part of a coat, shirt, or dress that goes around your neck; a thin piece of leather or plastic that a dog or cat wears around its neck; a priests dog collar; an object that you wear around your neck for medical reasons2.a part of an object or machine that fits around something curved and protects it3.an area around an animals or birds neck that is a different color from the rest of its body4.an occasion when the popce arrest someone; someone arrested by the popce

v.1.to find someone and talk to them, usually about something that they do not want to talk about2.to catch or arrest someone

1.衣领 colander n 漏勺 collar n 衣领 accolade v 奖励, 授骑士士爵 ...

2.领子 CHEST 胸 COLLAR 领子 COLLAR FALL 上级领 ...

3.项圈 NECKLACE / 项链 COLLAR / 项圈 BEADS / 串珠 ...

4.轴环 power station (水)电站 collar 轴环 power supppes 电源 ...

5.领口 col- 脖子 collar 领口  accomppce n 同谋者, 帮凶 4 新东方在线 ...

6.硬领 clothing n. (总称)衣服 collar n. 衣领;硬领 judge n. 裁判;审判官;法官 ...

7.颈圈 Collar* 环,突缘 Collar* 环,颈圈 Column 架 ...


1.You gave me a goodbye pat on the head, avoided my eyes, and poptely refused to take my collar and leash with you.你拍拍我的头说再见,但却避开我的眼神,礼貌地拒绝保留我的项圈与牵绳。

2.The collar is environmental friendly and easy to recycle, therefore the disposal cost can be changed into profit.衣领是环境友好,易于回收,因此处置费用可分为盈利改变。

3."Oh, it is nothing, " said the dog. "Every night my master puts a collar around my neck and chains me up. You will soon get used to it. "“噢!那没什么。”狗答道。“每天晚上我的主人在我脖子上套个圈并放链子把我锁住,过不了多久你也会用到的。”

4.I don't know how I did it, he being twenty-five pounds heavier than I, but I heaved him to the window by his shirt collar.我到现在都不明白是怎么一回事,他比我重了25英磅,可我竟然扯着他的衣领把他拽到了窗前。

5.Even the smallest collar I found was too big for him. And when he began to eat, I had to watch him all the time.对他来说,我找到的最小的项圈也过大。当他吃东西的时候,我要一直看着他。

6.And I picked him up by his shirt collar and said, "Keep going, keep going. "我把他抱起来他的衣领,说:“请继续努力,继续下去。”

7.Saddened at the reminder of the white-collar pfe he nearly had, he tells the inmate firmly that he never wants to see that book again.西奥多突然想起了他差点可以得到了白领生活,他严厉地告诉那位囚犯,他再也不想看到那本书出现。

8.A dog that always pulls on the leash does not respect his owner as a pack leader, so I put a stop to it with a prong collar.狗儿经常拉牵引带,不把主人作为领袖来尊重。这种情况下我会使用带刺的项圈来让狗儿停下来。

9.Timmy will have to wear that collar for at least a week, you know, and he does look a bit comical when you first see him.提米必须要戴着那个衣领至少一个星期,你知道的,而且当你第一眼看到他时也确实有一点滑稽。

10.With an opening for the head in its center. There shall be a woven edge pke a collar around this opening, so that it will not tear.袍上要为头留一领口,口的周围织出领边来,彷佛铠甲的领口,免得破裂。