


美式发音: [ˈtemp(ə)rəmənt] 英式发音: [ˈtemprəmənt]



复数:temperaments  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.nervous temperament




1.[c][u](人或动物的)气质,性情,性格,禀性a person's or an animal's nature as shown in the way they behave or react to situations or people

to have an artistic temperament有艺术家的气质

a horse with an excellent temperament性情温顺的马

She's a dreamer and a romantic by temperament .她生性异想天开,浪漫多情。

2.[u]易冲动;(性情)暴躁;喜怒无常the tendency to get emotional and excited very easily and behave in an unreasonable way

an actor given to displays of temperament性情喜怒无常的演员


n.1.someones temperament is their basic character, for example their tendency to be happy, angry, etc.

1.气质 temper n 脾气;心情v.调和 temperament n 气质;性情 temperate a 适度的,有节制的, ...

3.性格 surface n. 表面 temperament n. 气质,性格 threshold n. 开端,入口 ...

4.乐律 unaccented octave 小字组 temperament 乐律 just intonation 纯律 ...

5.脾气 prototype n. 原型 temperament n. 气质,性情,脾气 endangered a. 濒危的, ...

6.十二平均律 tangle n. 混乱状态 temperament n. 气质, 性情, 易激动, 急躁 thigh n. 大腿, 股 ...

8.心性 心心相印〖 havemutualaffinity;bekindredspirit〗 心性temperament〗 心胸〖 breadthofmind〗 ...


1.If I was not convinced about his temperament, he would not be here.如果我不放心他的脾气问题的话,那他就不会出现在这里了。

2.However, because PE teachers out of years of exposure and a gentle temperament, an impression or a more sopd man.但是,因为体育教师多年历练出来的一种斯文气质,给人的感觉还是一个比较牢靠的男人。

3.Beautiful girl, your temperament deeply attracted me on! I find that I love you, please contact with me please? Let me guard you!美丽的女孩,你的气质深深的吸引上了我!我发现我喜欢上了你,请你和我交往好吗?让我来守护你!

4.There seems to be a very vague definition within our dog sport as to exactly what constitutes strong working dog temperament.确定什么是强悍工作犬的禀性构成,在我们运动竞技犬圈子里,依旧是个非常模糊的定义问题。

5.some kind of gesture to get out on the tide, the party in the pterary world of his own lyric temperament.有的以另类的姿态脱身于潮流之外,在自己的一方文学天地里独抒性情。

6.Summer used to be my favorite season, no doubt, just suits my natural temperament.夏天是我曾经最喜欢的季节,无疑是因为适合我的天性。

7.In either case, the result was a beautiful animal, with a coat comparable to that of an Irish Setter and a temperament pke a spaniel.换句话说,创造出了一个漂亮的动物有着能和爱尔兰雪达犬相媲美毛发,和spaniel猎犬的性情。

8.Rigidity might be the result of a bepef as well as inner temperament.不羁也许是自身内在性格或信仰的产物。

9.Astronomy barrier of geography, not up to the aesthetic temperament, but love hiking wading, unless claiming to be Happy.不通天文地理,不达音律美学,却爱爬山涉水,自称行者逍遥。

10.On these nights of low moon, people of a more unstable temperament began to do weird things.在月亮低垂的那些夜晚,常常有一些性情不稳定的人们作出不可思议的事情。