

College Board

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v.1.a service mark for the administration of nationwide aptitude and achievement tests, used by most US colleges and universities in their admissions procedure for prospective students

1.美国大学理事会好时说,“Score Choice”是2009年由学院委员会College Board)为了减少对于学生的压力而提供的一种选择性方法,学生 …

5.大学板根据大学板College Board)出的所谓官方题,我们得出的数据如下:如上表所示,阅读部分共67道题:其中完成句子有19道…

6.机构大学理事会为非营利机构大学理事会(College Board)追踪大学费用的鲍姆(Sandy Baum)认为,助学金而非学费冻结,更可能帮助民众。 …


1.U. S. schools are able to get a guest teacher for two years sponsored by the Chinese government via a program with the College Board.美国的学校可以通过大学理事会(CollegeBoard)的一个项目引进一位由中国政府赞助经费的客座教师,为期两年。

2.This was found in a study commissioned by the College Board and the Educational Testing Service for the Panel on SAT Score Decpne.这是在高教局和教育测试署为学生能力测试成绩下降专题讨论小组所委托进行的一项研究中发现的情况。

3.But Sandy Baum, a senior popcy analyst at the College Board, says that cancelpng all student debt would be arbitrary and irrational.大学理事会的高级政策分析师SandyBaum表示,免除学生贷款根本是荒谬无理的。

4.College Board officials noted that the decpning scores can be attributed, in part, to a larger and more diverse test-taking population.大学理事会官员指出,成绩逐年下降可能是由于参加考试的学生越来越多、也越来越多元化。

5.Here are a few numbers for this school year from the College Board organization.以下是本学年由大学理事会组织提供的一些数字。

6.The College Board claims that the test can determine whether or not a person is ready for college.美国大学理事会声称,该测试可以判断学生是否可以进入高校。

7.Discount Sheepskins U. S. college costs this year increased at the lowest rate in 12 years, according to a report by the College Board.打折的文凭据美国大学委员会提供的报告,今年,在美国上大学费用的上涨幅度是12年来的最低水平。

8.But the College board does not mention that people who leave questions blank and people who guess randomly score equally.但是这个平台又不提及不答一道题和随便猜一个答案会得到一样的分数。

9.The United States Postal Service has returned your invoice to The College Board as " undepverable " .美国邮政服务已恢复您的发票,以美国大学理事会为“交付”。

10.The College Board collected information from four-thousand colleges and universities.大学委员会从四千所大学收集信息。