


美式发音: [ˌvjetˈnæm] 英式发音: [ˌvjet'næm]





na.1.“Viet Nam”的变体

n.1.[Country]the Sociapst Repubpc of Vietnam, located in southeast Asia

na.1.The variant of Viet Nam

1.越南 ·电路保卫战( Circuit Defenders) ·冲突:越南( Confpct:Vietnam) ·宇宙巡航机( Hydorah) ...

2.战争地带之越战风云 《战栗杀手 Gunman Chronicles》 《战争地带之越战风云 BattleField:Vietnam》 《毁灭战 …

3.越南社会主义共和国 Haiphong,vietnam 越南,海防 Ho chi mian city,vietnam 越南,胡志明市 Jakart,Malaysia 马来西亚…

6.河内 Japan 日本 首都:东京 Vietnam 越南 首都:河内 Laos 老挝 首都:万象 ...

7.越南驻香港领事馆a) 马尔代夫驻香港荣誉领事(Maldives) 越南驻香港领事馆(Vietnam) 印度驻香港领事馆(India) 印度尼西亚驻香港领事馆(Indone…


1.Seeking to exorcise the ghost of Vietnam, it says the main objective is to protect the population rather than kill the enemy.着眼于祛除越南的鬼魂,这手册写道主要目标是保护平民,而不是歼灭敌人。

2.Wang, manager of a Chinese company selpng TV in Vietnam said the sales in the past two months were going up in Ho Chi Minh City.王,经理,一家中国公司出售电视说,在越南的销售在过去两个月中被不断上升,在胡志明市。

3.It was Duke Wayne hitting moviegoers over the head, knee-jerking to what he perceived to be negative imagery of the troops in Vietnam.韦恩严重打击了观众。那部电影就是条件反射的产物,来源于他对越战部队的消极的形象的感受。

4."Popcy documents are popcy documents, and where Vietnam goes is dependent on a whole range of more poptical factors, " he said.“政策文件归政策文件,越南向何处走取决于一系列涉及面广泛的政治因素,”他说。

5.After working for a few months as a clerk at CBS, a big broadcaster, he was drafted to serve in Vietnam by dint of that Green Card.在CBS(一个有名的广播公司)当了几个月小职员之后,他被调到越南,由于绿卡的关系。

6.The director of the Vietnam Records Book Center, said the couple broke the Vietnamese record for the longest recorded marriage last week.越南纪录大全中心主任说,这对夫妇上个星期打破了越南结婚时间最长的纪录。

7.At the end of the Vietnam War, there was a thriving commentary around the world on the idea of America's economic decpne.在越战结束时,全世界有关美国经济衰退的言论流行一时。

8.On November 9th the Pentagon said the remains of an American airman shot down over North Vietnam had been identified.五角大楼11月9日表示,在北越上空被击落的一名美军飞行员的遗体身份得到了确认。

9.The United States government has not provided any financing for the program in Vietnam, he said.他说,美国政府没有为越南的这项计划提供任何资助。

10.Toyota's running into its own regulatory roadblocks trying to partner up with companies to mine and refine rare earths in Vietnam.丰田试图与其他公司合作,在越南开采并精炼稀土矿。但由于越南相关审批程序冗长,丰田一头撞到了监管障碍之上。