




1.科洛姆 ... 咖啡豆产区-南美洲-厄瓜多尔( Ecuad… 咖啡豆产区-南美洲-哥伦比亚( Colom… 咖啡豆产区-中美洲-萨尔瓦多( El Sa… ...

3.孟勋35.冯孟勋(Colom) ,西班牙人。1895年到福安任溪填副本堂神父,兼学方言。


1.Much-needed change is unpkely to come from the left: the candidate most pkely to run for Mr Colom's party is Sandra Torres, his wife.左翼不大可能出现非常需要的改变:最可能代表Colom先生的政党参加竞选的候选人是他的妻子SandraTorres。

2.But Castresana could not know if he was sincere or if the First Lady, Sandra de Colom, would abide by the President's wishes.但卡斯特雷萨纳不知道这是不是真话,也不知道第一夫人桑德拉·科罗姆是否也会遵守总统的命令。

3.Speaking last month, Mr Colom gushed over his wife's leadership skills and the "impressive passion" she inspired.ÁlvaroColom上个月发表演讲,大力称赞妻子的领导技巧,她也受到这股「感人热情」的鼓舞。

4.Perhaps members of the Colom Administration were trying to cover up their crimes.也许科罗姆政府成员试图掩盖罪行。

5.Colom, who spoke so softly that Castresana had to lean forward to hear him, promised not to interfere.科罗姆说话很是轻柔,卡斯特雷萨纳不得不倾着身子来听,科罗姆承诺不会干预调查。

6.He called back Colom's chief of staff and said, "I'm catching the next fpght to Guatemala. "他回电科罗姆的秘书长,“我会坐下一趟航班赶到危地马拉。”

7.Colom declared that the country must not return to a "past of darkness, " and he vowed to end the violence and the corruption.科罗姆宣称,危地马拉决不能重返“昔日的黑暗”,他发誓要终结暴力与腐败。

8.Mr Colom, his wife and the others named by Mr Rosenberg have all angrily denied his claims.科洛姆总统及其夫人,以及罗森伯格指控的其他人都气愤的否认了这一指控。

9.Castresana found Colom in his office, his bony wrists and neck poking out of his suit.卡斯特雷萨纳在科罗姆办公室发现了他,只见他瘦削的手腕和脖子从衣服里伸了出来。

10.An adviser to President Colom told me, "If the Musas could be killed, there was a sense that anyone could be. "科罗姆总统的一名顾问告诉我,“如果穆萨父女都能被害,那给人的感觉就是谁都无法幸免了。”