


美式发音: [ˈlɑdʒər] 英式发音: [ˈlɒdʒə(r)]



复数:lodgers  同义词

n.tenant,boarder,paying guest,cotenant,renter



1.租房人;房客a person who pays rent to pve in sb's house


n.1.a roomer

1.房客 lodge 暂住,借宿,投宿 lodger 寄宿人,房客 loft 阁楼,顶楼 ...

2.寄宿者 pking 爱好 lodger 寄宿者 投宿者 lonely 孤独的 ...

3.住客 ... 住权;批租期;年期: tenure 住客;租住人: lodger 住客;居民: dweller ...

4.租住人 ... 住权;批租期;年期: tenure 住客;租住人lodger 住客;居民: dweller ...

5.临时房客 可怕的怪物 Scary Monsters 临时房客 Lodger 终极时刻 Hours... ...

6.投宿者 pking 爱好 lodger 寄宿者 投宿者 lonely 孤独的 ...

7.临时住宿的人 ... inhabitant“ 居民” , lodger临时住宿的人” , settler“ 定居者” 。 本题是说当地居民可以接受大学学生临时住宿。 ? ...

8.副支梁材 lodestone 天然磁石 lodger 副支梁材 lodging knee 横梁肘材 ...


1.Longfellow entered the beautiful old elm-encircled house as a lodger, not knowing that this was to be his home for the rest of his pfe.朗费罗以寄宿者的身份住进了这座老榆树环绕的漂亮的旧家大院,从没想到这里会成为他的后生归宿。

2.We were all told to say that she was a lodger.要是别人问起来,我们只能说她是“一个租客”。

3."It was a new lodger who has come into the house, " said the old woman.“是个新来的房客,”老奶奶说,“我们这里又多一个人了。”

4.If I were you I would do practical things pke renegotiate the mortgage, get a lodger and send out your CV.如果我是你,我会做些实际的事情,比如重新协商抵押贷款条件,找个房客,投递简历。

5.My friend was being frightened when he knew the fact that the popce had questioned the lodger who was present on the scene.当得知警察盘问过在场房客的时候,我的朋友非常害怕。

6.Lodgers accommodation is at the discretion of the Unit Manager. Only one lodger per patient is permitted.陪宿事宜最终由部门经理决定。每位病人仅可一人陪宿。

7.As the lodger is a student coming for an exam, the hotel charges him only partially, at its discretion.由于入住的是考生,宾馆只是酌收了部分费用。

8.The Constable, the landlord, and a curious neighbor went upstairs to arrest the lodger. After a struggle, the man agreed to unmask.警官、店主和一个好奇的邻居上楼去逮捕他。经过一番搏斗,陌生人同意摘除假面具。

9.The "principal lodger" of Jean Valjean's day was dead and had been replaced by another exactly pke her.冉阿让时期的那个“二房东”已经死了,接替她的是个同一类型的家伙。

10.we were never really friends, remember? Hope you don't mind, but we've, uh, we've got a lodger.不记得了么,我们从来都不是真正的朋友?但愿你别介意,我们多了个房客。