


美式发音: [kəˈlʌmbəʊ] 英式发音: [kəˈlʌmbəu]





n.1.[City]the capital of Sri Lanka

1.科伦坡 斯里兰卡 SRI LANKA 科伦坡 Colombo 坦桑尼亚 Tanzania. ...

2.可伦坡 Calcutta 加尔各答 印度 Colombo 科伦坡 斯里兰卡 Dacca 达卡 孟加拉 …

4.哥伦布司之一哥伦布Colombo)的主要驼绒供货商。  目前,公司正利用独有的精梳驼羔绒品牌优势,凭借中国阿拉善世界驼绒品质 …

5.哥伦坡距离哥伦坡Colombo)国际机场138公里,备有专车接送。1880年,苏格兰人Lemmon骑着马来到这里,当他凭高望远,起伏 …

6.科隆博米兰的科隆博Colombo)毫无疑问是球队夺冠的最大功臣,他在对阵巴萨少年队的决赛中上演了大四喜,并且最终以10粒进 …

7.科隆波科隆波COLOMBO)意大利 1975-08-24潘卡罗(Giuseppe PANCARO)意大利 1971-08-26贝鲁法(Samir BELOUFA)法 …


1.However, parish priest Don Antonio Colombo said there was no question of the pair being barred entry in future.不过,教区牧师唐-安东尼奥-科伦坡说他们绝对不会就此不让这对夫妇进入教堂。

2.The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam launched their first-ever air strike, on an air-force base next to Colombo's international airport.泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织首次向斯里兰卡军方发动了空袭,攻击了位于科伦坡国际机场附近的卡杜维亚克空军基地。

3.The authors point out there's a bit of a mystery about precisely which hole Colombo was poking with his Itapan probe.作者们指出,科伦坡精确的用他的意大利探针戳到了那个洞,这有点神秘。

4.In his sermon, the Archbishop of Colombo, Malcolm Ranjith from the majority Sinhalese community, said this was a beautiful occasion.在他的布道中,科伦坡的总教头马尔科姆.吉尔特是来自于人数众多的的僧伽罗社区,坦言这是一种好现象。

5.A high-end fashion store in the heart of Colombo once thrived on the thousands of foreign tourists who came here every year.这是一家座落在科伦坡市中心的高档时装店,过去,每年前来旅游的外国游客曾经令这家商店生意兴隆。

6.Mr. Colombo said one tack for Q-Cells would be to 'try to convince the Chinese court to let go' and leave the case for arbitration.科伦坡说,Q-Cells的一个目标是努力说服中国法院放手,让本案接受仲裁。

7.A prominent Sri Lankan journapst who campaigns for media freedom has been abducted and beaten up in the capital Colombo.一位致力于媒体自由的斯里兰卡杰出记者在首都科伦坡被绑架,遭受暴打。

8.In this case, 'there could be a pretty strong argument made that the subject matter is within the [Chinese] territory, ' said Mr. Colombo.科伦坡说,在本案中,有非常有力的论据认为诉讼标的物在中国境内。

9.Much of Colombo, especially the downtown business area, is still guarded by checkpoints - what some would call a ring of steel.科伦坡的大部分地区,尤其是商业区依然遍布警卫检查站——那些所谓的坚固工事。

10.The group did not react at once to Colombo's unilateral abrogation.该组织没有立刻对科伦坡单方面废除协议做出回应。