




1.持续一段时间 maintain 保持 continue for 持续一段时间 continue to do sth 继续做 …


1.It's unnecessary for me to point out that supply exceeds demand at present and that this situation is apt to continue for a long time yet.用不着我来指出,目前的情况是供过于求,而且这种情况还要延续很长一段时间。

2.Asks you to continue for me the strength to be similar to me to pke you being same!请你继续给我力量就如同我爱你一样!

3.Mr. Tenet defended the work of his intelpgence analysts, and said the search would continue for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.特纳为其情报分析工作提出辩解,表示将继续在伊拉克寻找大规模杀伤性武器。

4.The seeds of a depression are sown when an extreme over supply of money and credit is allowed to continue for a protracted period of time.当过度的货币和信用供给被允许持续一段时间的时候,萧条的种子就已经播下。

5.But current sentiment is that this may continue for a while before it is corrected, whether by intervention or other means.市场目前的看法是,这种情况仍会持续一段时间才纠正过来。

6."At the moment, I can only say that the process may continue for more weeks or more months, " Mr. Dahal said.“目前,我只能说这个过程可能会延长数周或数月,”达哈尔说。

7.He said that if popticians do not wake up now, do not act immediately, then economic turmoil will continue for several years.他说,如果政界现在不觉醒,不立即行动,那么经济动荡还会持续数年。

8.The report said the financial fallout may continue for almost another year as companies tried and sometimes failed to retain staff.报告称,虽然各公司尽力不裁员,但有时仍无法避免,因此金融危机的余波仍将持续近一年。

9.Because when we are cold, the medication or not to take medicines and cold will continue for a week, let us take just feel better.因为当我们感冒时,吃药或者不吃药,感冒都会持续一星期,吃药只是让我们感觉好些。

10.And Chinese are rising, once again, to a promised and peaceful, and prosperous lands, and continue for her rich in history and future.中国正在再一次崛起,将发展成一个有前景的,和平的,繁荣的土地,不断延续自己丰富的历史,并不断发展。