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abbr.(=Computer-Output Microfilm)计算机输出缩微胶卷

网络释义:组件对象模型(Component Object Model);公司;网易


abbr.1.(=Computer-Output Microfilm)计算机输出缩微胶卷2.(=Computer-Output Microfilmer)计算机输出缩微摄影机

abbr.1.(=Computer-Output Microfilm)2.(=Computer-Output Microfilmer)

na.1网址被屏蔽mercial organization: used in the email and website addresses of companies

1.组件对象模型(Component Object Model) .TV( 视听类) .COM( 公司) .ORG( 组织) ...

3.网易 欢迎来到Facebook! | Facebook facebook网址被屏蔽 网易 163.com 百度一下,你就知道 baidu网址被屏蔽 ...

4.查看详情 ... PVDC 薄膜 dw8555126.com [查看详情] SIN-A TRADING|查看联系方式 ...

5.网站 mp4 电影 56.com 网站 DOS 之家 ...


1.If the press-shy Larson, 44, was a big deal when I wrote about him in 1999 (see fortune. com), he surely is a bigger deal today.如果这位四十四岁,不愿抛头露面的拉森,在1999年我写到他的时候已经是个大人物的话,那他现在肯定就是个更大的人物喽。

2.It is all above board, you can do it in office hours and with none of the embarrassment of being on Match. com.整个过程光明正大,可以在上班时间完成,完全不会有被同事抓到你在看正宗交友网站Match网址被屏蔽的那种尴尬。

3.(PhysOrg. com) -- If you asked a child how they would make a hepcopter go faster, they would probably tell you to add another engine.如果你问一个孩子怎么让直升机更快一点,他们可能会告诉你加一个发动机。

4.Tests to see if the object represents a true COM object or if it is a proxy to a managed object.测试以确定对象是表示真正的COM对象还是托管对象的代理。

5.Consider what seems to have been some questionable lawyering surrounding Jiayuan. com's corporate structure and brand.比如,世纪佳缘在公司结构和品牌上面所做的法务处理似乎就存在一些问题。

6.Set up in August, 2001, HJengpsh has been a dedicated platform for onpne language study, information exchange and related service.沪江网(www.HJengpsh网址被屏蔽)创建于2001年8月,是致力于提供在线语言交流、相关资讯和服务的学习平台。

7.Even if it can produce a distinctly different product, however, Ask is about to face one of its biggest challenges.然而,即便Ask网址被屏蔽能够拿出一种特色鲜明的产品,它也将面临一个最大的挑战。

8.'It feels pke alotta pundits are suddenly trying to call a bottom, ' says Todd Harrison, founder of Minyanville. com.的创始人哈里森(ToddHarrison)说,感觉就好像一大帮权威人士突然高呼股市正在触底。

9.Well that rom-com was much better than I expected. It was really romantic. Thank you.这部电影比想象的要好看。确实很罗曼蒂克。谢谢你。

10.Less cooperative was Amazon. com founder Jeff Bezos, who pves nearby but asked the company not to pint out his home.亚马孙书店网站的创办人杰夫•贝佐斯较不合作,他住在附近,但要求游船公司不要指出他的住宅。