


美式发音: [ˈfɑstər] 英式发音: [ˈfɒstə(r)]





第三人称单数:fosters  现在分词:fostering  过去式:fostered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.foster abipty,foster sense,foster growth,foster interest,foster development

adj.+n.foster mother,foster father,foster child




v.look after,care for,take in,bring up,nurture



1.[t]~ sth促进;助长;培养;鼓励to encourage sth to develop

The club's aim is to foster better relations within the community.俱乐部的宗旨是促进团体内部的关系。

2.[t][i]~ (sb)代养,抚育,照料(他人子女一段时间)to take another person's child into your home for a period of time, without becoming his or her legal parents

They have fostered over 60 children during the past ten years.在过去十年间,他们抚育了 60 多个儿童。

We couldn't adopt a child, so we decided to foster.我们不能领养孩子,所以决定代养一个。


1.[obn](与某些代养有关的名词连用)used with some nouns in connection with the fostering of a child

a foster mother/father/family代养母亲╱父亲;代养的家庭

foster parents代养父母

a foster child代养的小孩

a foster home寄养家庭

foster care寄养照管



v.1.to help something to develop over a period of time2.to take care of a child as part of your family for a period of time because the childs parents cannot take care of them

adj.1.relating to fostering a child. A child who is taken care of in someone elses home for a period of time is called a foster child, and the people who take care of the child are called foster parents

1.福斯特 fossil/ 5fRsl/n. 化石 a.化石的 foster/ 5fRstE/vt. 养育,抚养;培养 foul/ faul/a. 肮脏的;丑恶的 ...

3.养育 formidable a. 可怕的,难对付的 foster vt. 养育,抚养,培养 foul a. 肮脏的,丑恶的 ...

4.鼓励 forthy 性格开朗的>忧郁的 foster 鼓励,培养>取消 friable 易碎的>不易碎的 ...

5.促进 rationapze v. 使合理化;合理化改革 17. foster v. 促进;养育 18. freelancer n. 自由职业者 19. ...

6.抚育 赞美〖 praise〗 抚育foster〗 盛衰兴废 shèngshuāi-xīngfèi ...

7.抚养 formidable a. 可怕的,难对付的 foster vt. 养育,抚养,培养 foul a. 肮脏的,丑恶的 ...

8.佛斯特佛斯特FOSTER)品牌、南京自动门 南京旋转门安装联系方式返回南京自动门吧 收藏 回复 共有1页 回复贴:20 还没有百度帐 …


1.But as the old man, when he went away, asked back his foster-child's top, remembering that it was a top, so do thou in this case also.但当这个老人,当他离去时,回顾他抚育的孩子的巅峰时期,记住这是巅峰时期,你在这种场合里也要这样做。

2.More specifically, children expected to age out of foster care in the next few years are not spread evenly among the states.更具体的说,今后几年将被撤离收养的孩子,在各州的分布是不均匀的。

3.She said the spaniel, a nine-year-old named Stanley, has already landed on its feet. It has found a loving foster home.安德森说,这只名叫史丹利的九岁猎犬已经「出运」了,牠已经找到一个爱牠的领养家庭了。

4.LFB station manager Guy Foster said the fire was centred around Camden Canal Market, where a number of market stalls had caught fire.伦敦消防厅消防站经理福斯特表示,火场主要集中在肯姆顿运河市场,那里有数摊位着火。

5.The point of the Shenzhen pberapzations was less to foster any one industry than to make it easy for businesses in general to get a start.深圳开放的用意,并不在于鼓励单一个产业的发展,而在于让大部分的企业都能在这里更容易起步。

6.Are the current developments going to foster the access to information or to make it harder?当前的开发将会促进对信息的访问,还是让访问变得更加困难呢?

7.How much should I talk with my child about the social injustices in the world, and how can I foster a commitment to social justice in her?和孩子谈起社会的不公,应该掌握怎样的尺度?怎样培养她的正义感?

8.'I'm going to ask some questions, Mr King, 'the Inspector said, 'and Sergeant Foster is going to write it all down. '“金先生,我想问你几个问题,”探长说,“然后福斯特警官会把你说的话都记录下来。”

9.Theloan of a player is often used to foster young talented players that wouldotherwise not find opportunities in a team.租借通常用于培养无法在球队获得机会的年轻球员。

10.Goalkeeper Edwin Van der Sar did not travel - it was understood he was rested and either Ben Foster and Tomasz Kuszczak will play instead.门将范德萨并没随队出征——应该是轮换让他休息,福斯特和库兹扎克中的一个将会代替他上场。