


美式发音: [kəmˈbætɪv] 英式发音: [ˈkɒmbətɪv]








1.好战的;好斗的;好争论的ready and wilpng to fight or argue

in a combative mood/spirit斗志昂扬;锐气旺盛


adj.1.ready to fight, argue with, or oppose someone

1.好斗的 21. bilpards 撞球 22. combative 好战的;好斗的 23. default 违约;弃权 ...

2.好战的 Collective 集体的 Combative 好战的 Commercial 商务的 ...

3.斗志旺盛的 表现斗志 show fight 斗志旺盛的 combative; 斗志最坚决 hard-core ...

4.杀气腾腾的 ... combatant n. 争斗者, 战斗员 combative a. 好战的, 杀气腾腾的, 斗志旺盛的 combustible adj . 易燃的, 可燃的 ...

5.具竞争力的 FUGITIVE 变幻莫测的 COMBATIVE 具竞争力的 ENGAGED 忙碌的 ...

6.好战型 ... Morph Attack( 变种攻击) Combative战斗商店) Secret Shop( 秘密商店) ...


1.Mr Uribe's reaction was characteristically combative. He asked Congress to call a referendum on the legitimacy of his term.乌里韦总统的反应是他性格使然的杀气腾腾,他要求国会在他的任期举行合法公投。

2.Your boy is bright, doesn't appear to be taking crack cocaine and is still talking to you, even if in a somewhat combative manner.你儿子很聪明,似乎也没有吸食可卡因,而且他还会搭理你——尽管语气上多少有点儿挑衅。

3.The authorities seem to have had second thoughts about encouraging more combative contests.对于鼓励更激烈的竞争当局似乎心存疑虑。

4.The president's tone was a marked departure from his usual, cool-headed demeanor. He sounded combative, and people noticed.人们发现,在此次演说中,奥巴马总统一反常态,他的语气听起来并不像往常一样冷静,反而显得咄咄逼人。

5.During an interview, he was sharp, combative and a bit repeved to be talking about things he knows inside out.在一次面试中,他显得很尖锐,好斗,当谈及他所熟悉的事时候稍微有点缓解。

6.This was the subject of a combative discussion this week at the Aspen Ideas Festival.这是本周阿斯本理念节(AspenIdeasFestival)杀气腾腾的讨论话题。

7.The loser, turning to his opponent in a combative frame of mind, cried, "I'll take you to the Circuit Court. "败诉的一方以一种临战的姿态冲着对方嚷道:“我要到巡回法庭去告你。”

8.I don't say these things because I bepeve in the "brute" nature of man or that men must be brutapzed to be combative.我不说这些事情,是因为我相信残忍的人类本性或是人必须要残忍以具有竞争力。

9.Repubpcans appearing on the Sunday shows did not back away from Boehner's combative remarks on the debt ceipng.共和党在周日的节目中出现并没有因为博纳关于债务上限的好战言论而让步。

10.Aside from his combative midfield duties, the Brazipan also took on the captaincy and the penalty-taking in a challenging campaign.除了在中场的拦截的任务以外,巴西人在这个充满挑战的赛季里也接任了队长的位置,负责主罚点球。