


美式发音: [ˈbɑrkp] 英式发音: [ˈbɑ:kp]





1.巴克利 ... Westin Bayshore Resort 威斯汀海滨度假村 Barclay 巴克利酒店 Days Inn 戴斯酒店 ...

5.巴克理,月亮湾(Moon Bay),英雄湾(Hero),巴克莱湾Barclay),新普利茅斯湾(New Plymouth),步行者湾(Walker) …


1.As Miss Barclay, she was the only woman to have served on a British fighting ship during the war.Bayard婚前姓Barclay,她是战时唯一一个在战船上服役的女性。

2."Don't you think Mr. Barclay's pretty nice? " inquired Lola, who had received a condescending smile or two from that quarter.“你不认为巴克利先生很好吗?”萝拉问,她曾经得到过这个人恩赐给她的一两次微笑。

3.The armies were sppt up, there was no unity, no supreme command: Barclay was unpopular.军队被打散后,既没有统一的指挥,巴克莱又孚众望。

4.Barclay Houses location a block away from the Fulham Broadway Underground stop was a huge boon as well.位于福尔哈大路地铁站一个街区远的巴克莱之家也是个相当便利的恩惠。

5.Prince Andrey found Barclay de Tolly , to whom he was sent, on the bank of the Drissa.安德烈公爵在德里萨河岸找到他受命去其麾下任职的巴克思·德·托利。

6.All cancelled Certificate of Cover must be recorded on the Barclay Card IT system daily as well.每天还应把当日解除的保单授权书保存到巴克莱银行的信息系统。

7.Premiums paid that do not equal the premium expected will be recorded and reconciled with Barclay Card Head Office.已付保费与预期保费数额不符的,应做记录并与巴克莱银行一同解决。

8.Scientists are also investigating why sufferers outside Mexico have experienced comparatively mild symptoms, Barclay told New Scientist.Barclay告诉《新科学家》说,科学家也正在调查为何墨西哥之外的感染者的症状相对轻微。

9.Indeed, she had told Mr and Mrs Barclay in a tearful voice that she didn't want to marry anybody.她的确啜泣地求过巴克利先生和夫人,她不想嫁给任何人

10.All endorsement requests received by other sources should be redirected Barclay Card for processing.所以由其他方式收到的签署申请由巴克莱银行重新进行处理。