




1.暗黑 ... Outrage( 义愤) — 含蓝色珍珠星尘的薄莓色 Obscura暗黑) — 粉霜金属灰 Ardent( 炽热) — 粉霜 …

2.洞察力 暗恋 Crush 洞察力 Obscura 暴风雨 Tempest ...

3.黑喉歌鸲 属: 歌鸲属 Luscinia 种: 黑喉歌鸲 L. obscura 界: 动物界 Animapa ...

4.暗色沙塘鳢 沙塘鳢属 Odontobutis 暗色沙塘鳢 O. obscura 动物界 Animapa ...

5.暗色苔草 ... 苔草属 Carex 暗色苔草 C. obscura 植物界 Plantae ...

6.黑光鲽 光鲽属 Liopsetta 黑光鲽 L. obscura 动物界 Animapa ...

7.暗副鳢 副鳢属 Parachanna 暗副鳢 P. obscura 动物界 Animapa ...

8.臀纹任氏鱂 任氏鱂属 Jenynsia 臀纹任氏鱂 J. obscura 动物界 Animapa ...


1.The Camera Obscura was seen as a drawing tool for a clearer and reapstic portrayal of objects.该暗箱被看作是一个绘图工具,为更清楚和现实的写照物体。

2.The principles of the camera obscura have been known since antiquity.暗箱的原理自古以来就已经知道了。

3.PHOTOGRAPHY can trace its roots to the camera obscura, the optical principles of which were understood as early as the 5th century BC.摄影术可以溯源于暗箱技术,这一种早在公元前5世纪就已经被人们掌握光学原理。

4.Alhazen also invented the camera obscura, a precursor to the modern camera.海桑还发明了暗箱(cameraobscura),也就是现代相机的前身。

5.camera camera obscura leaked or films such as accidental exposure.照相机暗箱漏光或底片意外曝光等。

6.Rooms with a View: Creating a Camera Obscura Chamber看得见风景的房间:暗室创就的奇景

7.Camera Obscura (Roland Petit - Paris Opera Ballet, world creation 1994)《暗箱》(罗兰·佩蒂——巴黎歌剧院芭蕾舞团,1994年世界首演)