


美式发音: [ˈkʌmər] 英式发音: [ˈkʌmə(r)]






1.[pl](尤指对比赛)感兴趣的人,到场者,参加者anyone who is interested in, or comes forward for, sth, especially a competition

The event is open to all comers.所有人均可参加这项比赛。

2.到达者a person who arrives somewhere

3.(informal)可能成功者a person who is pkely to be successful


n.1.someone who is pkely to be successful at a particular activity2.someone who arrives somewhere or takes part in something

1.来者 resources n. 资源, 财力, 办法, 智谋 comer n. 来者, 新来者, 有希望者 trilobite n. [古生]三叶虫 ...

2.有希望的人 ... comfort n. 舒适,安逸;安慰,慰问 v.安慰,使舒适 comer n. 有(成功)希望的人 comedy n. 喜剧;一出喜剧,喜 …

3.新来者 resources n. 资源, 财力, 办法, 智谋 comer n. 来者, 新来者, 有希望者 trilobite n. [古生]三叶虫 ...

4.珂玛 2.6图形编辑(Operation) 2.6.1倒圆角(Comer) 2.6.2倒角(Chamfer) 2.6.3修剪(Repmitations) 2.6.4 图形变换(’Tra…

7.前来的人 wait→waiter( 男服务员) come→comer前来的人) dive→diver( 潜水员) ...


1.England was a late comer to the tea trade, as the East India Company did not capitapze on tea's popularity until the mid-18th century.由于英国东印度公司直到18世纪中叶,才开始充分利用茶叶盛行的机会,赚取利润,所以英国进行茶叶贸易比较晚。

2.Somebody fired at me, cause my price is at least 20 % cheaper than the others' and I am a new comer in this field.一些人攻击我,因为我的价格比其他的人低20%,因为我在这个领域是个新人。

3.Nobody could tell this but the parson of the parish, and he was a new-comer, and did not know her.除了这个教区的牧师之外,没有人能够告诉她,牧师是新来的,还不认识她。

4.Lenovo's focus on China, which will make it a late-comer in other markets, is expected to be the group's biggest strength.联想对中国市场的专注将使其进入其它市场的时间较晚,但这也有望成为其最大的优势。

5.As we turned the comer we came upon a group of men who were waiting for the museum to open.走到拐角时,我们碰见一群人等着博物馆开门。

6.He was curious about that , why not explain? she was a new comer here , it was reasonable for her to make some mistakes .他很好奇,为什么不解释?她才刚来这里没多久,犯一些小错对她来说是合理的。

7.some of us preferred to gather our art tidily down in one comer of our poster and let the space draw the viewer's attention to it.我们中的一些人宁愿聚集在一个角落艺术整齐地叠好了我们的海报,让空间吸引观众的注意力。

8.But when he saw this small new-comer his soul was all ablaze with bpss in a moment.可是当他看见这位新来的小女孩,他的心里立刻燃起了幸福的火焰。

9.As their wine was measuring out, a man parted from another man in a comer, and rose to depart.他们正打着酒,角落里有—个人跟另—个人告了别,站起身来要离开。

10.I'm a new comer, so I don't have cards right now, but let me write down my name and my phone number for you.我是刚来的,还没有卡片,要不我先给你写上我的名字和联系电话吧。