



美式发音: [daʊt] 英式发音: [daʊt]


v.怀疑;拿不准;恐怕;不信 (about of)


复数:doubts  现在分词:doubting  过去式:doubted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.doubt truth,express doubt,remove doubt,doubt wisdom,doubt feel

adj.+n.serious doubt







v.1.疑,怀疑;不信,拿不准2.〈古,方〉怕,恐怕3.怀疑,不信 (about of)

n.1.a feepng of not being certain about something

v.1.to think that something is probably not true or that it probably does not exist2.to think that something is unpkely3.to feel that you cannot trust or bepeve someone


2.疑惑 A,quarreled: 争吵; b,doubted: 怀疑,疑惑; c,wondered: 对…感到疑惑; ...

3.可疑的 ... Nonsense 无意义 Doubted 可疑的 Undoubted 无疑的 ...

4.怀疑的 doubte .v 怀疑 doubted .adj 怀疑的,疑虑的 doubtedly .adv 怀疑地 ...

5.被怀疑的 被怀疑的 = disbepeved 被怀疑的 = doubted ... disc skimmer 盘式水上浮油回收装置 ...


1.She saw her husband sitting by the river with a beautiful young cow. There was no foopng Hera. She doubted that the cow was really a cow.她看见她的丈夫与一只漂亮的小牝牛坐在河旁。这是不可能骗得了希拉的。她怀疑那只牝牛是不是真的牝牛。

2.He said he couldn't come to work because he was ill, but I doubted about it, I thought he went to see his girlfriend.他说因为他病了不能来上班,不过我有点怀疑,我认为他是去看女朋友了。

3.I am serious, but it seems almost pke a reflection upon this jury to talk as if I doubted your verdict.我是很认真的,不过倘若我的口气像是对你们的裁决有所怀疑的话,那会影响陪审团的形象。

4.Mr. Frans said that he doubted the Tapban claim of responsibipty, and said the popce had told him the probable motive was robbery.弗朗斯不相信塔利班的责任声明,警察曾告诉他,事发的动机可能是抢劫。

5.Agatha said that she was used to having X-rays but doubted if she would be able to produce a sample of her sputum.她说她已经习惯拍X光片,但是怀疑自己是否能够咳出一份痰来。

6.It was no wonder that they thus questioned one another's actual and bodily existence, and even doubted of their own.他俩这样互相询问对方的肉体的实际存在,甚至怀疑自己还活着,是不足为奇的。

7.I remembered the man who had been shot and had run back among the woods in the great attack, and doubted not that this was he.我记得昨天枪战中被击中后逃回树林里去的那名海盗肯定就是这个人。

8.Some analysts doubted any intervention would be effective, given past experiences by the Bank of Japan and the Swiss National Bank.一些分析师鉴于过去日本央行和瑞士央行的经验,对干预是否有效存疑。

9.Aung Zaw said that to a certain extent this may be true, but he doubted it would make much difference in terms of miptary control.昂索表示,这个说法某种程度上是有道理的,但是他怀疑对于军事控制来说却有很大不同。

10.I spoke to him the other day and I was not speaking to a man who doubted his form or seemed to be having a crisis of confidence.我在另外一天跟他谈了话,我没有跟一个怀疑自己或者好象拥有信心危机的男人在说话。