


美式发音: [ˈlʌvp] 英式发音: ['lʌvp]




比较级:loveper  最高级:lovepest  复数:lovepes  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.lovely gift,lovely sight,lovely lady,lovely spot





1.美丽的;优美的;有吸引力的;迷人的beautiful; attractive

lovely countryside/eyes/flowers美丽的乡村╱眼睛╱花朵

She looked particularly lovely that night.她那天晚上特别妩媚动人。

He has a lovely voice.他说话的声音很好听。

2.(informal)令人愉快的;极好的very enjoyable and pleasant; wonderful

‘Can I get you anything?’ ‘A cup of tea would be lovely.’“要我给你来点什么吗?”“一杯茶就很好了。”

What a lovely surprise!真让人感到惊喜!

How lovely to see you!见到你多么让人高兴!

Isn't it a lovely day?天气真好呀!

We've had a lovely time.我们玩得很痛快。

It's a lovely old farm.那是个宜人的老农场。

It's been lovely having you here.有你在这儿真是太好了。

You've got yourself into a lovely mess, haven't you?你惹的这麻烦可真够瞧的,是吧?

3.(informal)亲切友好的;慷慨大方的;可爱的very kind, generous and friendly

Her mother was a lovely woman.她母亲是个心地善良的女人。


It's lovely and warm in here.这里温暖宜人。

lovely and warm, cold, quiet, etc.(informal)(用以强调某事物因具有所说的特质而很好)used when you are emphasizing that sth is good because of the quapty mentioned

It's lovely and warm in here.这里温暖宜人。


1.美女;美人;佳人a beautiful woman



adj.1.enjoyable, or pleasant; used for saying you are pleased about something; used about something that you are annoyed about2.very attractive3.kind, pleasant, and easy to pke; used about kind things that people do

n.1.an attractive woman

1.可爱的 Helpless 无帮助的 Lovely 可爱的 Native 本土的 ...

2.美好的 lounge n. 休息厅;休息室 lovely a. 美好的,可爱的 luck n. 运气,好运 ...

3.美丽的 pot 锅; 碗;盆 lovely 可爱的;美丽的 make sure 核实或查明某事件 ...

4.有趣的 lovelorn 失恋的, 害相思病的 lovely 可爱的, 有趣的 lovey-dovey 多情的 ...

5.可爱的,好看的 love n.v. 爱,热爱'很喜欢 231. lovely adj. 可爱的,好看的 232. main adj. 主要的 233. ...

6.太可爱了 ... 6. Brilpant 太棒了 7. Lovely 太可爱了 8. Nice one 真不错 ...

7.婉丽 婉和〖 mild〗 婉丽〖 beautiful;lovely;mildandexquisite〗 婉娈〖 graceful〗 ...


1.'Come, Darcy, 'said Bingley, 'I hate to see you looking so cross! Why don't you dance with one of these lovely girls? '“来呀,达西,”彬格莱说,“不要满脸不高兴的样子,姑娘们多可爱,怎么不跟她们跳?”

2.Thank you so much for the lovely evening. My wife and I had such a good time.非常感谢你是我们渡过了一个愉快的夜晚,我和妻子玩得非常开心。

3.They were all dressed in gorgeous gowns and lovely clothes and were cheering for her.他们都穿着华丽的礼服和可爱的衣服,向她欢呼。

4.Johnson: Ha ! They are all lovely, How much is the panda toy?约翰逊:啊!都很可爱。这个熊猫玩具多少钱?。

5.A young Chinese woman in the U. S. was comppmented for the lovely dress that she was wearing.一位中国青年妇女在美国,身上穿着一件漂亮的服装。

6.It would be lovely to have this sense of community around learning all over the country and all over the world.感觉到学习社区遍及全国各地和全世界将会令人愉快。

7.It didn't seem an appropriate moment to ask if you were single, but I thought you were bloody lovely.当时似乎不太合适,我本想问你是否单身,我觉得你简直帅得喷血。

8.Do you think you are pke sheep sheep. Besides I have such a lovely wolf? " If I were a wolf, would you eat, it is. "“有吗?你以为你是喜羊羊啊。再说了有我这么可爱的狼吗?”如果我是狼,早把你吃了,真是。

9.All atonce, she felt pke the young people acknowledged that her generationgot a few things right, and one of them was the lovely chapeaux.突然间,她感觉年轻人终于觉得她那一代人也有好东西了,而其中一种,就是可爱的帽子。

10.In fact , she was a charming and cultured girl, with a beautiful curious pointed elfin face and a lovely figure.实际上,她是一个迷人和有教养的女孩,带有一张美丽的奇特的尖的小精灵一样的脸和一个可爱的数字。