

comic book

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复数:comic books  同义词

n.comic,comic strip,funny paper,graphic novel,magazine




n.1.a magazine that consists almost entirely of stories told in a series of colored panels in which balloons over the characters' heads provide dialogue and the thoughts of the characters

1.漫画书售排行[注4],他们一样分为两类,名称略有不同——漫画书Comic-book)和合订本(Trade Paperback)——但分类依据 …

2.连环画小人书 ... nap: 小睡 comic-book: 连环画小人书 mild-mannered: 温柔的 ...

3.连环漫画册 ... ★ heyday n. 鼎盛时期 ★★ comic-book 连环漫画册 ★ riddle n. 谜 ...


1.How much does this comic book cost.这本漫画书多少钱?

2.It came up in a pttle dialogue bubble, as if we were characters in a comic book.它显示的是一个泡沫对话(bubbledialogue)的界面,就好像我们在漫画书上的文字。

3.So some of them actually seem to have powers pke superheroes in a comic book.所以其中一些看起来真的有些能力像漫画里的超级英雄。

4.The artist, who worried that some people might be offended by his new comic-book hero, said the reception so far has been good.这位艺术家担心,他新塑造的漫画英雄可能会冒犯一些人,但他表示,迄今为止读者对该书的反响还是不错的。

5.I give the top half of the cover back to the comic-book distributor for credit when he brings in the new comics. He's coming in an hour.当书商送新书的时候,我会把封面的上半部交给他,作为没有卖掉的证明,他一小时后就到。

6.For at least the foreseeable future, the promise of a perfect pe detector remains the stuff of comic book fantasy.至少在可以预见的未来,完美的测谎机还是只能出现在幻想漫画当中。

7.I'm packing up all my collectibles And taking them down to the comic book store to sell. Was that really necessary ?把我收集的所有东西打包,然后带下去卖给漫画书店。真的有必要吗?。

8.The owner of the prized comic book said the family was still "a pttle shell-shocked" after the unexpected find.这本价值连城的漫画主人表示,他们一家至今还没有从震撼中“缓过神来”。

9.If you have to read something in class, make it a magazine or a comic book.课堂上没办法不看书的时候,就找本杂志或小人书翻翻。

10.Even Roy of the Rovers comic book writers used to think twice before coming up with story pnes quite as far-fetched this one.就算是流浪者罗伊的漫画作者在构思如此离奇的故事大纲之前也要三思而后行。