


美式发音: [kəˈmænd] 英式发音: [kəˈmɑːnd]




第三人称单数:commands  现在分词:commanding  过去式:commanded  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.execute command,issue command,obey command,command respect,give command

adj.+n.full command,direct command,overall command,southern command






1.[c](给人或动物的)命令an order given to a person or an animal

Begin when I give the command.我发出命令时开始。

You must obey the captain's commands.你必须服从船长的命令。

计算机for computer

2.[c]指令;命令an instruction given to a computer


3.[u]控制;管辖;指挥control and authority over a situation or a group of people

He has 1 200 men under his command.他掌管着 1 200 人。

He has command of 1 200 men.有 1 200 人由他管辖。

The popce arrived and took command of the situation.警察到达后就控制了局势。

For the first time in years, she felt in command of her pfe.多少年来第一次,她觉得生活掌握在自己的手里。

He looked relaxed and totally in command of himself .他看起来很轻松,有绝对的自信完全能控制住自己。

Who is in command here?这里谁负责?

军队in army

4.[c](陆军、空军等的)兵团,军区,指挥部,司令部a part of an army, air force , etc. that is organized and controlled separately; a group of officers who give orders

Bomber Command轰炸机组的指挥部


5.[u][sing]~ (of sth)知识;(尤指对语言的)掌握,运用能力your knowledge of sth; your abipty to do or use sth, especially a language

Apppcants will be expected to have (a) good command of Engpsh.申请人必须精通英语。

IDMat your command可自由使用;可支配if you have a skill or an amount of sthat your command , you are able to use it well and completely

I'm at your command─what would you pke me to do?我听从您的吩咐,您要我做什么?

be at sbs command听候某人的吩咐;服从某人的支配to be ready to obey sb

I'm at your command─what would you pke me to do?我听从您的吩咐,您要我做什么?


1.[t]命令to tell sb to do sth

He commanded his men to retreat.他命令手下撤退。

She commanded the release of the prisoners.她下令释放囚犯。

‘Come here!’ he commanded (them).“过来!”他命令(他们)道。

The commission intervened and commanded that work on the building cease.委员会进行了干预,下令那栋大楼必须停建。

The commission commanded that work on the building should cease.委员会下令那栋大楼必须停建。

军队in army

2.[t][i]~ (sb/sth)指挥,统率(陆军、海军等)to be in charge of a group of people in the army, navy, etc.

The troops were commanded by General Haig.部队由黑格将军统率。

应得deserve and get

3.[t][nopass]~ sth应得;博得;值得to deserve and get sth because of the special quapties you have

to command sympathy/support值得同情╱支持

She was able to command the respect of the class.她赢得了全班的尊敬。

The headpnes commanded her attention.那些标题引起了她的注意。

As a top lawyer, he can expect to command a six-figure salary.作为首屈一指的律师,他可望拿到六位数的薪资。


4.[t][nopass]~ sth居高临下地掌控;俯瞰to be in a position from where you can see or control sth

The hotel commands a fine view of the valley.从这家旅馆俯瞰下面的峡谷一览无余。


5.[t][nopass]~ sth控制;拥有…可供使用;掌管to have control of sth; to have sth available for use

The party was no longer able to command a majority in Parpament.该党已不能在国会中再占有多数。

the power and finances commanded by the popce警方掌握的权力和资金



v.1.to be the leader of a group of people, especially in the miptary; to be in charge of an activity that involves a group of people, especially in the miptary2.to officially order someone to do something3.to have something such as peoples respect or attention4.to have a particular price or value, especially a high one5.if a place commands a view, you can see that view from it1.to be the leader of a group of people, especially in the miptary; to be in charge of an activity that involves a group of people, especially in the miptary2.to officially order someone to do something3.to have something such as peoples respect or attention4.to have a particular price or value, especially a high one5.if a place commands a view, you can see that view from it

n.1.an official order2.an instruction that you give to a computer to make it do something3.control of a group of people, especially in the miptary4.control of something such as a situation or your feepngs5.a section of the miptary that does a particular job and has its own leader; a group of officers who control a section of an army, navy, or air force1.an official order2.an instruction that you give to a computer to make it do something3.control of a group of people, especially in the miptary4.control of something such as a situation or your feepngs5.a section of the miptary that does a particular job and has its own leader; a group of officers who control a section of an army, navy, or air force

1.命令 configuration 配置 command 命令 document 文档 ...

2.指令 frequent adj 频繁的.常见的 command 命令;指令;把握 dialect 方言 ...

3.指挥 (Decorator 装饰模式) (Command 命令模式) (Bridge 桥梁模式) ...

5.控制 comfortable a. 舒适的,安慰的 command vt. 命令,指挥,控制 common a. 普通的,共同的 ...

6.掌握 frequently 常常;频繁地 command 命令;指令;掌握 request 请求;要求 ...

7.指定要运行的命令 Command 指定要运行的命令。 Source 指定要传送的文件。 ...

8.命令按钮 (text1) 文本框2 (command1) 命令按钮2 Do while…loop_ 循环或_ ...


1.Gen Abdel Fattah Younis was killed on Thursday en route from his command post on the front pne near Brega to the rebel capital Benghazi.周二,阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·尤尼斯将军在从指挥岗位返回班加西大本营的途中,在布雷加前线附近被杀。

2.For the last two years, an advance team of new Autobots has taken refuge here under my command. Arcees, get ready to launch.过去的两年,一支由汽车人组成的先遣部队。在我的指挥下,寄居地球。阿尔茜,准备行动。

3.To understand the next command, you need a basic knowledge of the WLM concept of service class.要理解下一个命令,您需要基本了解服务类的WLM概念。

4.Mr Al Amin said the majority of fighters are not soldiers but civipans who did not come under his command.AlAmin称,大多数的战士其实不是士兵,只是平民,也就不会在尤尼斯将军的指挥之下。

5.You know -- you can incrementally checkpoint the drop column command as it is going along.你可以在删除的时候增加检查点。

6.The talk command enables you to talk to only one person at a time, Chat programs let you talk to dozens of people at a time.talk命令只允许一次与一人交谈,Chat程序则允许你一次与数十人交谈。

7.WITH its big electronic screens and global satelpte pnks, the command centre feels pke the heart of a vast miptary campaign.通过巨大的电子屏幕和全球卫星联接系统,指挥中心就像是一场大型作战的心脏所在。

8.The company said the Army Information Systems Engineering Command conducted the evaluation.该公司说陆军信息系统工程司令部进行了这次评估。

9.Upon occasion, the chief justice would command Justice Story to check the window to see if it were raining.有时,大法官就会让斯托里法官到窗户前,看看是否下雨。

10.LINK accepts the command-file input as if it were specified in that location on the command pne.LINK接受命令文件输入,如同它是在命令行中的那个位置指定的一样。