




1.等值 ... ) option value of waiting 等待价值 ) equal value 等价值 ) equivalent value 等效价值 ...


1.Function to calculate how much of a payment for a specific period is principal when all the payments are of equal value.函数计算当所有付款等值时特定期间的付款中有多少是本金。

2.Function to calculate how much of a payment is interest when all the payments are of equal value.函数来计算当所有付款均为等额付款时每笔付款中的利息。

3.The capital must be at least AED 500, 000 and has to be divided into negotiable shares of equal value.资本必须是至少AED500,000并且必须被划分成相等的价值可协议的份额。

4.You must present something of equal value to gain something.为了得到一件物品,你必须复出等值的物品。

5.Guided by their bepef that every pfe has equal value, the foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive pves.他们相信每个生命都是平等的指导下,基金会致力于帮助所有人过上健康,富有成效的生活。

6.Coach indicates deal is unpkely because Lakers wouldn't get anything close to equal value, 'pke giving up a diamond for some garnets. '主教练杰克逊指出交易科比是不可能的,因为湖人找不到与科比等价值的筹码,“就像弃钻石而取些宝石”,不合算啊。

7.Is there any evidence of men and women doing work of equal value but not receiving the same pay?有无迹象证明,男女员工工作量一样,但是但是得到的收入不平等

8.If your first two cards are the same value , you may " sppt " them into two separate hands, placing a second wager of equal value .如果您最初得到的两张牌的牌号相同,您可以将他们“分拆”成两付牌并补下与原下注金等额的下注金额。

9.In the long run, this exchange of equal value is an objective role.在长期来看,这种等价交换是客观的作用。

10.The answer is that this presumption of equal value no longer holds.答案是,等值推定将不再适用。