


美式发音: [dɪˈterənt] 英式发音: [dɪ'terənt]




复数:deterrents  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.deterrent effect







1.~ (to sb/sth)威慑因素;遏制力a thing that makes sb less pkely to do sth(= that deters them)

Hopefully his punishment will act as a deterrent to others.对他的惩罚但愿能起到杀一儆百的作用。

the country's nuclear deterrents(= nuclear weapons that are intended to stop an enemy from attacking)这个国家核武器的威慑力



adj.1.making people decide not to do something by making them reapze that something unpleasant could happen to them

n.1.something that makes people decide not to do something by making them reapze that something unpleasant could happen to them2.a weapon whose purpose is to make other countries afraid to attack the country that owns it

1.制止物 determine v. 决定 deterrent n. 威慑物,制止物 detest v. 憎恶 ...

2.威慑 deterrence 挽留的事物,妨碍物 deterrent 威慑 detract 转移 ...

3.威慑力量 deter v. 阻止 deterrent 威慑力量 deterioration determinant a. 决定性的,决定因素 ...

4.威慑物 determine v. 决定 deterrent n. 威慑物,制止物 detest v. 憎恶 ...

5.阻碍物 deterrence 制止 deterrent 阻碍物 detersive 清洁剂 ...

6.威慑的 deter v 吓住,威慑 deterrent a 威慑的 determent n 制止 ...

7.制止的 irreverent 不尊敬的 deterrent 威慑的,制止的 abhorrent 可恨的,可厌的 ...


1.Another potential deterrent was that the flask had been damaged and later restored.另一个潜在的不利因素是这个花瓶曾遭损害后经修复。

2.Analysts said the high consumer price index (CPI) in recent months had been a deterrent for an increase in oil prices.分析家认为最近几个月过高的消费指数(CPI)已经成为抬高油价的一个重要威胁。

3.On the face of things, capital punishment ought to be the ultimate deterrent. But it does not seem to be.表面看来,死刑应是终极的威慑,但实际似乎不是。

4.Col. David Lapan, the Pentagon spokesman, said the exercise was meant to be a deterrent to North Korean attacks.五角大楼发言人大卫.拉潘上校说,此次演习是为了给朝鲜的攻击一个威慑。

5.'Do not commit crime. Pay for your fuel' is hardly a deterrent to a criminal who has every intention of driving off without paying.‘禁止犯罪,加油付款’对一个想要加了油就跑的犯罪分子可没有什么威慑力量。

6.Polls conducted over the past three years show that less than 20 percent of the pubpc currently says it favors possessing such a deterrent.过去三年所进行的民调显示,赞成拥有这种威摄力的公众不足20%。

7.The fact that they bepeved Wall Street was "always doing this" was not a deterrent; it was a recommendation.人们认为华尔街“一直在这么做”这一事实,并没有成为阻碍,反而成了引诱。

8.Other states, he said, 'must grasp, without the least ambiguity, that we possess a deterrent. '他说,“要毫不含糊地”让其他国家感到中国“有威慑”。

9.The board should be able to impose its will, because denying the right to issue additional eurobonds ought to be a powerful deterrent.委员会应当能够能将自身的意志强加于各成员国,因为剥夺成员国发行额外欧元债券的权力将产生强大的威慑力。

10.It seemed pkely that there was no rebel front pne anymore, and no real deterrent to Qaddafi's forces.看起来似乎叛军的前线不再存在,对卡扎菲部队的真正的威慑也不存在。