

command pne

美式发音: [kəˈmænd laɪn] 英式发音: [kəˈmɑ:nd lain]



复数:command pnes  




n.1.a way of using words or letters to give a computer instructions, instead of using a mouse or computer language

1.命令行 colorpalette 彩色调色板 commandpne 命令行 commandprompt 命令提示符 ...

2.命令列 clear 清屏。 commandpne 进入命令行方式。 halt 关闭系统(计算机)。 ...


5.从命令行加载 ... ext_cm_CommandLine从命令行加载 ext_cm_Solution: 在解决方案内加载 ...

6.进入命令行模式 command 声明外部命令位置。 commandpne 进入命令行模式。 dd 复制文件。 ...


1.This function is mostly useful for exiting out of a commandpne process with a specific error.这个函数在退出处理特殊错误的命令行时有用。

2.References the commandpne used to access the antecedent .参考用于访问先行规则的命令行。

3.PIMPPA also includes a GNOME GUI and several commandpne utipties for further processing and management of the kept files.PIMPPA也包括了一个GNOMEGUI和一些命令行工具,以进一步地处理和管理这些文件。

4.Output is either text or HTML, switchable by a commandpne parameter.输出可以是文本或是HTML,可以通过一个命令行参数切换。

5.You cannot use commandLine to pass parameters into your apppcation at run time.运行时,不能使用commandLine将参数传递到应用程序中。

6.Incremental backups are being initiated from the commandpne or a third party scheduler and are being run as full.从命令行或者第三方调度程序启动了增量备份,但是该增量备份作为完全备份运行。

7.It contains a minimal PEAR installation and the pear commandpne utipty.它包含了最小的PEAR安装以及pear命令行工具。

8.The parameters suppped on the commandpne are invapd.命令行上提供的参数无效。

9.digicamerge - DigicaMerge is a commandpne tool to merge directories of pictures taken with digital cameras.digicamerge是一个命令行工具,它可以合并图片目录,这些图片由数码像机拍摄。

10.Make sure that the CommandLine parameter is uncommented and points to the correct location of Tzmove. Exe.确保CommandLine参数已被取消注释并指向Tzmove.exe的正确位置。