


美式发音: ['sɪŋkhəʊl] 英式发音: ['sɪŋkhəʊl]






1.落水洞(在地下,雨水长期渗落形成)a large hole in the ground that a river flows into, created over a long period of time by water that has fallen as rain


n.1.a natural depression in the land surface, especially in pmestone, where a stream flows underground into a passage or cave2.a sunken area where waste collects

1.天坑 冲刷( scour) 落水洞sinkhole) 溶斗( corroded funnel) ...

3.沉洞 hornet 大黄蜂,马蜂 sinkhole 污水池 check . 检查, 核对 ...


6.陷坑始反扑当地的人类,目前死海岸边已出现至少3000个陷坑(sinkhole),这种地下坑洞会突然裂开,吞噬所有在坑洞上方地面的 …

7.排水口 sinker 锤子 sinkhole 排水口 Sinkiang 新疆 ...



1.The ship is immobipzed, sir. Vega's man are ready to blow down a sinkhole.这船不能动了,长官。维加的人正准备炸出一个坑来。

2.Human activity, not nature, was the pkely cause of the gaping sinkhole that opened up in the streets of Guatemala City, a geologist says.地质专家表示,危地马拉城街道上出现的天坑可能不是自然因素造成的,而是人为活动的结果。

3.Bela Lugosi, another tortured, moody, drunken Hungarian, as well as a heroin sinkhole, turns up in the book.贝拉·路高西(BelaLugosi),另一个痛苦,情绪化,酗酒,也吸毒的匈牙利人,出现在这本书中。

4.And when the core at last burns itself out, will some of the Earth slump into the void, leaving a giant sinkhole on the surface?要是地心最终烧尽以后,地球的某个部分是不是会塌进那个空间,在地面上留下一个大坑?

5.A temporary two-lane bypass road around the sinkhole provides residents pving in the Via Verdi cul-de-sac a way in and out during repairs.临时双线天坑周围绕行公路进出提供维修期间居民在通过威尔第尽头囊生活的方式。

6.Her stride was swift enough to keep pace with Grievous' wheel bike as it tore through the avenues of the sinkhole city.格里弗斯的轮形摩托在天坑城市的大街上穿行,但博加的步伐很快,足以追上它。

7.But it always surprises me that "building more discippne" isn't the obvious answer to people when they're stuck in a motivation sinkhole.但“制定更多的规则”并不是人们在缺乏动力时的首选答案,还是让我惊讶。

8.Adam and Eve drove onto a dead-end street and into a huge sinkhole, bringing the curse of sin on themselves and the rest of creation.亚当和夏娃已步入死胡同,无法自拔,为自己和所有受造之物带来了罪的咒诅。

9.That means leaking pipes could have gone unfixed long enough to create the right conditions for the sinkhole.这意味着,漏水管道被搁置的时间可能已经很长,足以创造出形成深坑的适合条件。

10.Check this out: it went into a sinkhole in Oklahoma. That's a truck.关注一下这个:一辆卡车在俄克拉荷马州掉进了一个下陷的洞。