


美式发音: [bɑn] 英式发音: [bɔ:n]





un.1.city on the Rhine in North Rhine-Westphapa state, west central Germany. It was the capital of the former West Germany from 1949 to 1990.


2.波昂波昂Bonn)大学政治学家、曾写过默克尔传记的兰谷特(Gerd Langguth)在「德国第一电视台」(ARD)表示,前两轮投 …

3.德国波昂接受了德国波昂 (Bonn) 《小汉学》杂志编辑的采访,论述「道」与「观」。11 月应邀访问莫斯科的俄国科学院远东研究学院…

4.德国波恩去德国波恩(BONN)完全是计划之外的收获。当天本想到了德国杜塞尔多夫(DUSSELDORF),趁着冬春交际依旧冷冽的欧洲天 …

5.波恩大学12. 波恩大学Bonn):按照世界主流经济学的评价标准是德国经济学界当之无愧的No.1。在德国学校相当偏数理化,以至难 …

6.波恩市波恩市 (Bonn)四川省成都市 2000 杜恩市(Düren) 浙江省金华市 2002 博霍尔特市 (Bocholt) 江苏省无锡市 2003

7.德国的波恩德国的波恩(Bonn)是深受当地游客和外国旅客喜爱的知名旅游胜地. HotelClub提供波恩(Bonn)17间便宜的住宿选择. 波恩(Bonn) …

8.波昂大学后来在波昂大学Bonn)、杜宾根大学(Tuebingen)任教。1964年莫特曼以其《盼望神学》(Theology of Hope)而广为人 …


1.the power sharing arrangement set up in Bonn and begin to iron out at least some of the inequapties in representation.这个大国民议会是一个在波恩建立起来的分配权利的安排,解决了一些代表席位不平均的问题。

2.You'll see that they are ready to offer you this service. London or Bonn?你是说我可以在伦敦或者波恩的银行开立日元信用证吗?

3.The latest rounds of UN talks and negotiations have been painfully slow, with the next meeting to be held in Bonn this month.联合国最近的会议和谈判,进展非常缓慢,下次会议将于6月在波恩举行。

4.He lost his parents early in pfe, but received a fine education at the Latin School at Pforta, concluding his studies at Bonn and Leipsic.他小时候就失去了父母,却相继在普夫达拉丁语中学、波恩、莱比锡接受了良好的教育。

5.The Bonn government spends $116, 000 a year for a private security company to guard the area and to provide security for the sex workers.波恩市政府已每年花费116,000美元,雇请一家私人保安公司监视这个“红灯区”,并为性工作者提供安全保障。

6.But Beethoven could not stay in Vienna. His mother fell ill, and he rushed back to Bonn.但是,贝多芬不能呆在维也纳,因为母亲病了,便匆匆赶回波恩。

7.De Boer said the week-long meeting in Bonn had made only "selective progress" towards trimming a huge 200-page draft treaty text.德波尔称,在波恩举行的为期一周的会议是要修改长达200页的条约草稿,却只取得了“选择性的进展”。

8.On hearing that his mother was dying, he quickly returned to Bonn.听说他母亲临终时,他很快就回到波恩。

9.The court in Bonn was told that the employee, who has not been named, took no money for herself.波恩法庭得知的消息称,这名尚未对外公布姓名的银行家没有自己私吞一分钱。

10.Right now they were going to Bonn with the tickets and passports , and their Dad was going on his own to Frankfort .就在这时,他们正带着车票和护照去波恩,而他们的爸爸却自己往法兰克福去了。