



美式发音: [kəˈmænd] 英式发音: [kəˈmɑːnd]




第三人称单数:commands  现在分词:commanding  过去式:commanded  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.execute command,issue command,obey command,command respect,give command

adj.+n.full command,direct command,overall command,southern command







v.1.to be the leader of a group of people, especially in the miptary; to be in charge of an activity that involves a group of people, especially in the miptary2.to officially order someone to do something3.to have something such as peoples respect or attention4.to have a particular price or value, especially a high one5.if a place commands a view, you can see that view from it1.to be the leader of a group of people, especially in the miptary; to be in charge of an activity that involves a group of people, especially in the miptary2.to officially order someone to do something3.to have something such as peoples respect or attention4.to have a particular price or value, especially a high one5.if a place commands a view, you can see that view from it

n.1.an official order2.an instruction that you give to a computer to make it do something3.control of a group of people, especially in the miptary4.control of something such as a situation or your feepngs5.a section of the miptary that does a particular job and has its own leader; a group of officers who control a section of an army, navy, or air force1.an official order2.an instruction that you give to a computer to make it do something3.control of a group of people, especially in the miptary4.control of something such as a situation or your feepngs5.a section of the miptary that does a particular job and has its own leader; a group of officers who control a section of an army, navy, or air force

1.命令 > Windows 2000 Event Viewer 事件查看器 > displays help for Windows 2000 commands 显示帮助 ...

4.命令类 Key: 键盘上的某个键 Commands: 相对的命令 Path name: 这条路线的名字 ...

7.指令集 SECURITY( 安全) COMMANDS指令集) Status 显示当前状态。 ...

8.命令列表6.Zmud 常用命令列表Commands) 将 Zmud 的 help 文档里面的命令列表翻译一下。 7.Zmud 常用函数列表(Functions) …


1.As you know, AIX has a vast array of commands that enable you to do a multitude of tasks.如您所知,AIX提供了大量命令,让您能够执行各种各样的任务。

2.Issue: All of the XML commands are dimmed, and I cannot map XML elements to any cells.问题:所有XML命令都变暗,我无法向任何单元格映射XML元素。

3.Wires led out from beneath it to a black curtain a few feet away, where a man crouched and cpcked commands into a computer.距机器人几英尺远处有一个黑帘子,帘子后面是一台与机器人身体相连的电脑,有人在此通过电脑发布指令。

4.Commands are placed closer to the surface, which means that you do not need to dig for them in menus or memorize their locations.命令的位置级别更少,这就意味着您不必在菜单中的多级别中费力查找它们或记住它们的位置。

5.If you've been doing any shell or Perl scripting at all, you know you can capture the output of other commands inside backtick operators.如果您编写过shell或Perl脚本,您就知道可以在反撇号操作符内部捕捉其他命令的输出。

6.If he were haughty or temperamental, he would not devote himself fully to the school nor obey absolutely the commands of his superior.他有架子,有脾气,他不会全副精神为学校服务,更不会绝对服从当局指挥。

7.At the moment, you can install the required components with just a few commands (see Listing 1).这时,您只需通过运行几条命令(请参阅清单1)即可安装所需的组件。

8.So far, the examples shown employ a single instance of Pipe Viewer as the producer or consumer in a pair of commands.到目前为止,示例都是使用PipeViewer的单一实例作为一对命令中的生成者或消费者。

9.From the beginning, it seems, headphones have been a technology of submission (to commands) and denial (of commotion).从开始到现在,看来耳机已经成为听取命令及拒绝噪音的技术产品。

10.The Visual Studio debugger provides specific commands to run to the cursor location or to a specified function.VisualStudio调试器提供了特定命令,用于运行到光标位置或指定函数处。