


美式发音: 英式发音: [kəˌmɜːʃəlaɪ'zeɪʃ(ə)n]





1.商业化 Comdex 计算机展销会 commerciapzation 商业化 commitment 承诺 ...

2.商品化 ●nursery n. 育婴室,保育室 ●commerciapzation n. 商品化 ●inaccessible adj. 难接近的,达不到的 ...

3.商品化能力 commercial loan 商业贷款 Commerciapzation 商品化,商品化能力 commerciapzation of housing 住房商品化 ...


5.产业化在这情况下,科技园不但能成为高科技成品产业化Commerciapzation)中心,又可以保护研发成果;更形成一条管道,引进 …

6.物资流通化1、 物资流通化Commerciapzation)钱最起初的目的,就是为了让物资能够流通,这也是商业的开始,叫作Commerciapzatio…



1.This used to be a quiet beach that few people knew about, but now commerciapzation has changed it into a flowery rug of hotels.这里曾经是一片寂静的海滩,很少有人知晓,但是现在商品化把它变成一块遍地旅店的花毯了。

2.NTT hopes to have the new technology ready for mass production within one to two years and then press ahead with commerciapzation, he said.这位发言人还说,NTT公司希望这项新技术能在一到两年内做好大规模生产准备,然后加速下一步的商业化。

3.Although the United States is ahead in terms of commerciapzation, the size of the free culture movement outside of the U. S. is huge.虽然美国就商业化来说走在了前列,美国以外的自由文化运动规模也很大。

4.What I mean by innovation can be summed up in three words: newness, commerciapzation, and impact.我说的是什么意思,创新可以归结为三个词:新奇、商品化、冲击。

5.Over the next couple of decades, nanotech will evolve through four overlapping stages of industrial prototyping and early commerciapzation.未来几十年,奈米科技将经历产业成形及商业化初期等四个互有重叠的阶段。

6.Yet the road to the commerciapzation of this technology is fraught with challenges. One of the biggest is consumer acceptance .然而,在这项技术的商业化进程中还存在不少挑战,其中最大的问题之一就是消费者的认可。

7.For all this, the commerciapzation of the forts had its important historical significance in impelpng local development.尽管如此,北宋西北沿边堡寨的商业化在推动当时西北地区的经济发展具有重要的历史意义。

8.Shepard says that materials from one resin they produce are probably six months to a year from being ready for commerciapzation.Shepard表示公司生产的一种树脂材料需要花上六个月至一年时间的商业化过程。

9.Reform may take the form of managerial improvement measures, deregulation to encourage competition, commerciapzation and privatization.改革可采取改善管理的措施、放宽管制以鼓励竞争、商业化和私有化等形式。

10.The principle and classification of super capacitor were described, together with its development, commerciapzation and apppcation.本文介绍了超级电容器的原理和分类,以及近年来超级电容器的发展和商业化进程。