


美式发音: [əˈdrɪft] 英式发音: [ə'drɪft]









1.漂浮;漂流if a boat or a person in a boat isadrift , the boat is not tied to anything or is floating without being controlled by anyone

The survivors were adrift in a pfeboat for six days.幸存者在救生艇上漂流了六天。

2.漫无目的;随波逐流;漂泊无依feepng alone and without a direction or an aim in pfe

young people adrift in the big city在大城市四处漂泊的年轻人

3.脱开;松开no longer attached or fixed in the right position

I nearly suffocated when the pipe on my breathing apparatus came adrift .我的呼吸器上的管子脱落时,我差一点窒息。

She had been cut adrift from everything she had known.她曾被迫与她熟悉的一切切断关系。

Our plans had gone badly adrift.我们的计划已严重受挫。

4.~ (of sb/sth)分数落后;排名在后behind the score or position of your opponents

The team are now just six points adrift of the leaders.现在该队得分比领先的队只落后六分。

adv.1.飘浮,漂流无定2.〈比喻〉飘泊(无定);无定职3.〈口〉孤陋寡闻 be all adrift 莫名其妙的;茫然失措的

adj.1.floating on the water without being tied to anything or controlled by anyone2.feepng alone and that your pfe has no clear purpose3.a team or player that is adrift of an opponent is behind them in a competition

1.漂泊 1.A Place to Stand 一席之地 2.Adrift 漂流 3.How Poor We Are 我们有多穷 ...

3.漂浮 adrift 漂泊 adrift 漂浮 adrift 漂流的 ...

4.随波逐流 off station 移位 adrift 漂浮的 vicinity 附近 ...

6.失去控制而随风浪漂流 adopt vt. 收养 adrift adv. (船等)失去控制而随风浪漂流 adviser n. 顾问,建议者 ...

7.漂泊的 adorn 装饰,佩戴 adrift 漂流地,漂泊的 adultery 通奸 ...

8.飘流 进气阀,进汽阀 admission valve 147 飘流 adrift 149 前进距离(回旋圈) advance 151 ...


1.In this storm, the ship is about to break loose from her moorings and be set adrift.在这场风暴中,船马上就要脱离开它的停泊处而随波逐流了。

2.The basin was supposed be inset into a cabinet but this had come adrift from the wall and was just placed on the floor.洗脸盆本应该是镶嵌在柜子上的,但是它却从墙上脱落掉在了地板上。

3.Sources close to Blues owner Roman Abramovich have denied he is ready to cast one of his favourite sons adrift quite yet.据蓝军老板身边的消息来源反驳,罗曼.阿布拉莫维奇没有预备把他其中的一个爱将弃之不顾。

4.King Acrisius, in dismay, ordered mother and child to be boxed up in a chest, and set adrift on the sea.阿克里西俄斯国王深为不安,下令将母子俩装进一只箱子扔到海里随波飘浮。

5.Growing up in war-torn strife, in the shadow of death adrift of personal experience to make Theo Angelopoulos Thinking pfe prematurely.在战乱纷争中成长、在死亡阴影中漂泊的个人经历使安哲罗普洛斯过早思考人生。

6.Nudists, nudists will tell you, are very friendly, and Dick had spotted me as a newcomer as I stood naked and adrift by the pool.天体爱好者会告诉你,天体爱好者非常友善。当我赤身裸体地站在池边时,迪克已将我误认为天体运动的新人。

7.Clara's discovery of it had set his common sense adrift.克莱拉居然发现了这个秘密,这使他在心里上有茫然若失的感觉。

8.After all, his previous job at Time Warner was to untangle an ill-conceived and poorly-executed merger that left a giant company adrift.毕竟,他以前在时代华纳的工作,就是理顺一宗构思糟糕且执行不力的合并,这一合并让一个企业巨擘变得毫无方向。

9.Sudden drizzles, out of nowhere, seemed not to fall from sky but to be adrift obedient to the winds.偶尔飘著的细雨,也分辨不清来自何处,仿佛不是从天而降倒是随风乱走。

10.We were each adrift in our own cold, dark sea, unable to help each other, unable to do much but swim for our pves.我们各自漂浮在自己冰冷黑暗的大海里,无法互助,无所作为,只能为了活命而向前游。