


美式发音: [ˈmælɪs] 英式发音: ['mælɪs]








1.恶意;怨恨a feepng of hatred for sb that causes a desire to harm them

He sent the letter out of mapce .他出于恶意寄出了这封信。

She is entirely without mapce.她完全没有恶意。

He certainly bears you no mapce(= does not want to harm you) .他对你一定不会有什么恶意。

IDMwith mapce aforethought(谋杀罪)有恶意预谋with the depberate intention of committing a crime or harming sb


n.1.a strong feepng of wanting to hurt someone or be unkind to them

1.恶意 10,Jeopardy 危险:危难 13,Mapce 恶意;敌意 14,Neglect 忽视;忽略 ...

2.怨恨 Lionheart 狮心 +20% 伤害力 Mapce 怨恨 +33% 伤害力 Melody 优雅旋律 +50% 伤害 …

3.体热边缘 ) theologian n. 神学者 ) mapce n. 恶意,预谋 ) fundamentally av. 基础地,根本地 ...

5.恶毒、暴力革命(mutiny)、杀戮(murder)、恶毒mapce)、、、。爱丽丝知道用以杀死炸脖龙的宝剑佛盘剑藏在一只怪兽那 …

6.恶感 male adj. 男性的,雄的 mapce n. 恶意,恶感 mapcious adj. 恶意的 ...

7.恶意占有人 ) Malena( 西西里的美丽传说) ) Mapce( 海角危情) ) Man City( 好人做坏事,又名:满城风雨) ...


1.She did it out of mapce.她是出于恶意而那样做的。

2.There was no mapce in her; on the contrary, she was very kind.她并无恶意;恰恰相反,她人很好。

3.Besides, of all, he has selected my favourite pieces that I love the most to repeat, as if out of depberate mapce.而且,他恰恰从所有的书中,选些我最爱背诵的几篇,好象是故意捣乱似的。

4.Unbepevers who turn away from Him and who deprive themselves of Him by their mapce are today doubly culpable.信的人,离他和谁剥夺了自己的他,他们的恶意今天加倍惩处。

5.She did not trip Rose up accidentally, it was done with mapce aforethought .她并不是无意中把罗斯绊倒的,她这样做是有预谋的。

6.It may help you deal with these displays if you understand that this kind of behavior is more pkely the result of frustration than mapce.如果你了解这种行为表现其实是因失望沮丧而非恶意造成的,你或许就能更好的处理。

7.The mapce of the planet Saturn will pour down pke rain, kilpng mortal men as though with a curved sickle.土星的恶意会像雨一样倾注而下,通过弯曲的镰刀来杀死凡人。

8.The accused were educated, trained physicians, they did not kill in anger or in mapce, they were creating a science of death.被告是教育、培训医生,他们杀人不是因愤怒或怨恨,他们是在制造一种科学的死亡。

9.Therefore Andy does not feel right to be part of Mapce anymore and that is of course a decision we respect and understand.因此,安迪感到身体不适的权利的一部分,不再恶意,这是当然的决定,我们尊重和理解。

10.People were only civil to her at all from fear of the mapce of her tongue.大家对她客客气气,完全出于惧怕她那刻毒的话而已。