


美式发音: [ˈledʒɪˌsleɪtɪv] 英式发音: [ˈledʒɪslətɪv]





adj.+n.legislative branch,legislative assembly,legislative hearing,legislative calendar




1.立法的;制定法律的connected with the act of making and passing laws

a legislative assembly/body/council立法议会╱机构╱委员会

legislative powers立法权



adj.1.relating to laws or to the process of creating new laws2网站屏蔽ed for talking about groups of people who have the power to create new laws

1.立法的 legislation 法规 legislative 立法的 legislature 立法机关 ...

2.有立法权的 a vast array of 大量的,大宗的 legislative 立法的, 有立法权的 the Supreme Court 最高法院 ...

3.立法机构 and so on 等等,诸如此类 legislative n. 立法机关 currency n. 通货,货 …

5.立法机关的 1. parpament 国会, 议会 2. legislative 立法的, 立法机关的 5. aloft 在高处, 在上 ...

6.法规沿革例 公发布日(Date): 2004.01.14 法规沿革(Legislative): 1.Full text of 12 articles enacted and promulgated by the President...


1.A few days later, she testified before a legislative subcommittee in favor of a bill requiring drug testing of high school athletes.几天后,她在立法小组委员会面前作证,支持对高中运动员进行药物测试的法令。

2.This was a genuinely big "beat, " for it took up five times as much ground and got ten times as great a legislative appropriation as the .这是一个真正巨大的“采访领域”,因为上述畜牧部门占地面积是文学院的五倍,所获得的立法机关的拨款是文学院的十倍。

3.I am glad that the comments we received during and since the visit suggest that our Legislative Council Members are satisfied on this point.我很高兴在参观过程及其后所收到的意见均显示,各位议员对我们在这方面的工作感到很满意。

4.But he continued to work from home to help support President Obama's top legislative aim, a health reform plan.但是他仍然在工作,支持奥巴马的高级司法目标:医疗改革计划。

5.In a statement on his website, Mousavi said he had formally asked the Guardian Council, a legislative body, to cancel the election result.穆萨维在声明中称,他已正式要求护教议会(GuardianCouncil)取消大选结果。

6.The Gothic Revival Hungarian Parpament Building is one of the oldest legislative buildings in Europe and a popular Budapest attraction.哥特复兴式的匈牙利国会大厦是欧洲最古老的立法大厦之一,也是布达佩斯的主要景点。

7.The company also wants to make sure that future legislative definitions of biofuels are broad enough to include algae.而且这一公司希望,未来的立法工作会将生物燃料的定义扩大到包括藻类。

8.At the legislative level, and with the exception of Taiwan, no Chinese provinces or regions have issued such a regulation.在立法层面,除了我国台湾地区,国家和省的立法都没有对此现象进行规范。

9.So far Mr Obama has been happy to leave much of the legislative heavy pfting to Congress.到目前,奥巴马先生仍喜于将立法重任交与国会,他知道他的一众跟班与国会议员工作密切。

10.One of his first moves as prime minister was to cut funding to the Palestinian Authority after Hamas's victory in legislative elections.他担任总理后的第一步就是在哈马斯取得议会选举胜利后,停止给予巴勒斯坦的援助。