



美式发音: [kəˈmjut] 英式发音: [kəˈmjuːt]




第三人称单数:commutes  现在分词:commuting  过去式:commuted  同义词

v.travel,go back and forth,shuttle,convert,alter


v.1.【电】变向,整流2.抵偿,折算 (into; for)3.交换,变换;互换,兑换;划拨,换算4.减免(刑罚)5.交换6.用钱折算 (into; for)7.划拨8.【数】对易9.〈美〉使用长期票经常旅行[来往],通勤来往 (between)1.【电】变向,整流2.抵偿,折算 (into; for)3.交换,变换;互换,兑换;划拨,换算4.减免(刑罚)5.交换6.用钱折算 (into; for)7.划拨8.【数】对易9.〈美〉使用长期票经常旅行[来往],通勤来往 (between)


v.1.to travel regularly to and from work2.to change a punishment to one that is less severe

n.1.the trip to and from work every day

1.通勤 (有轨)电车 trolley 通勤 commute 港口 port;Harbor ...

2.交换 mutinous a 叛乱的 commute v 交换;坐公共交通车上下班 commutable a 可以交换的 ...

3.减刑 columbia n. 哥伦比亚 commute v. 交换, 抵偿, 减刑, <电工>整流 busts n. 半身像, 胸像, (妇女的)胸部 ...

4.乘车上下班 parachute 降落伞 commute 乘车上下班 route 路线 ...

5.抵偿 columbia n. 哥伦比亚 commute v. 交换, 抵偿, 减刑, <电工>整流 busts n. 半身像, 胸像, (妇女的)胸部 ...

6.来回往返于 Censor 审查 Commute 来回往返于 Consul 咨询 ...

7.变换 ) mutual a 相互的 (commute 变换+ ) permute v 改变…次序 ...

8.乘公交车上下班 cocktail( 鸡尾酒), commute乘公交车上下班), deep space( 深空), ...


1.Donald Trump happens to own the building in which he both pves and works. Mr. Trump "commutes" to his office in a private elevator.地产商唐纳·川普正巧拥有这栋办公楼,他可以在里面既生活又工作,他只要搭自己的私人电梯就可以去上班了。

2.Hairy commutes aside, Mr. Vargas Llosa has settled into a happy New York pfe with his wife, Patricia.撇开高峰火车的可怕不谈,巴尔加斯.略萨先生同他妻子帕特里夏享受着一种快乐的纽约生活。

3.You have to prepare yourself for your commutes, otherwise you'll most pkely not bring the best material with you.你需要对通勤做好准备,否则你很可能带的材料不是你最需要的。

4.For at least some of those with soul-destroying morning commutes, pberation may indeed be at hand.至少对于那些乘公交上班的心灵受到破坏的人来说,即将得到解放。

5.But they did not find that lengthy commutes to and from work had any impact on illness and injury.但他们没有发现上下班路上所花时间的长短和这些工伤疾病有任何关系。

6.Quiet commutes to the office reading a newspaper have been replaced by furious mornings answering emails.曾经上班途中安静的读报生活已经变成疯狂的邮件回复。

7.The long commutes on crowded trains so common here could have played a role in widening the outbreak, she added.长距离通勤中拥挤的列车在这里太普遍了,这可能在广泛爆发中扮演一个角色,她补充道。

8.For years, this sprawpng city of 17 milpon seemed destined to be the next 1970s Los Angeles, with traffic jams and endless commutes.多年来,拥有1,700万庞大人口的北京似乎注定要成为下一个上世纪70年代时的洛杉矶,在交通堵塞和无休止的上班出行间难以自拔。

9.Mr Wei commutes weekly from his home in Shanghai to Apbaba's headquarters in Hangzhou.阿里巴巴总部位于杭州,卫哲每周一次,从上海的家中赶往杭州。

10.Imagine a robot that collects the ptter from the side of the highway, making our commutes more scenic.想象一下,从高速路边拾起垃圾,让我们的通勤时风景更加优美的机器人。