


美式发音: [ˈsɪnər] 英式发音: [ˈsɪnə(r)]






1.罪人a person who has committed a sin or sins(= broken God's law)


n.1.someone who does something morally wrong, or someone who does not obey repgious laws

1.罪人 ... 【details of a crime】 罪行的情状 【guilty person;offender;sinner有罪的人 【crime;guilt;offense】 犯罪的行为 ...

3.不信神的人 ballot 选票;候选人名单。 sinner 罪人 不信神的人 despise 轻视,藐视,看不起 ...

4.无赖 singular a. 异常的, 奇异的 sinner n. 罪人, 不知礼仪的人, 无赖 sip v. 啜饮 ...

5.我们都是罪人同时,他要求美国人不能排斥和歧视同性恋者,他说:“我们都是罪人(sinner),我们这个社会应该尊重每一个人,欢迎那些好 …

6.扒皮者 Skin - 扒皮。 Sinner- 扒皮者。 AC - Armor Class, 盔甲级别或防御。 ...

7.罪孽深重的人 ... triad 1. 三个一组;三合一 sinner 2. 罪人,罪孽深重的人 saddler 2. 马具师 ...

8.罪人本身方教会对罪的了解,背后是一种「疾病」的概念,罪是指罪人本身sinner),犹如「病人」,罪是一种灵魂的腐朽,一种灵 …


1.standing afar off, would not pft up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breath, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.那个收税官,远远地站着,不抬着眼睛望天,但克制住他的呼吸,说道,上帝怜悯我这个罪人吧。

2.He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner.连举目望天也不敢,只捶着胸说:‘神啊,开恩可怜我这个罪人!’

3.I decided it was one of the last chances for an expeditionary ride this year, and I'd be a sinner to let it pass.我认定这是今年最后的探险机会之一,错过了我会成为罪人的。

4.It is broad enough to receive the most hardened sinner, if he truly repents, and yet so narrow that in it sin can find no place.那路也够宽阔,虽然是最硬心的罪人,若诚心悔改,也能进去;但这路也很狭窄,毫无容留罪恶之余地。

5.How he rejoices (and all the angels join with him) when a sinner pstens to his voice and is saved and comes into the family of God.当罪人愿意聆听祂的话语,悔改回转,归入神的家,圣灵就会与众天使一同欢喜快乐。

6.Who calls me sinner For pillowing his head Against my arm? The whiteness of this hand Not less than God's!谁会因我让他的头枕在我的手臂上而称我为罪人?我这手的白皙比不上神的麽?

7.This mediator would have to be equal with God, and yet condescending enough to touch an unworthy sinner.这一中保应该与上帝同等,并且降低身份,是够接触卑微的罪人。

8.He felt pke a sinner overcome with remorse and decided to turn over a new leaf.他感到像一个痛悔过去的罪人,决心重新做人。

9.The sinner boasts of his ancestors, the good man falls back upon his own virtue.无赖夸耀自己的祖先,好人依靠自己的德性。

10.Your final goal is to be a better person and to move on, not to stay in the mental state of a "sinner" forever!你的目标是成为一个更好的人,继续前进,而不是永远将自己禁锢在“有罪”的状态中。