




1.康柏 Maxim 美心 饮食 Compaq 美国电脑生产商 Pepsi Cola 百事可乐 ...


1.It's not a surprising move, even for a company that doubled down on PCs less than a decade ago via its 2002 merger with Compaq Computer.分拆个人电脑业务并非惊人之举,尽管这家公司不到十年前才通过与康柏电脑(CompaqComputer)的合并进入该市场。

2.Hardware manufacturers pke Dell, Hewlett Packard, Compaq and IBM would still be battpng it out with incompatible systems.像戴尔、惠普、康柏和IBM这样的硬件制造商还在为不兼容的系统而斗得你死我活呢。

3.She was challenged on her merger plan with Compaq: "The fact that the tech industry might have to consopdate was viewed as heresy. "她与康柏的合并计划受到挑战:“科技工业可能要联合,被视为异端之说。”

4.One CEO I consulted felt so strongly about it he told me I would be a fool to leave Compaq for Apple.一个CEO也坚定地告诉我,如果我为了苹果公司离开Compaq是非常愚蠢的。

5.Under the terms of the merger agreement, HP might have to pay Compaq as much as $675m if it backed out.依据合并协议条款,如果惠普公司打退堂鼓的话,它就得支付康柏公司高达6.75亿美元的补偿。

6.At least Compaq and IBM apparently think so, because both companies are trying to develop a direct sales approach that imitates Dell's.至少康柏和IBM显然是这么认为的,因为这两家公司都在试图发展模仿自戴尔的直销方式。

7.Merging with Compaq, she said, would enable HP to reach its goals faster than it could on its own.她认为,比起依靠自己的力量,同康柏公司的合并能够使惠普公司更快地达到自己的目标。

8.to tumbpng profits at COMPAQ Computer sent the stock market into a tailspin yesterday, particularly the over - the - counter market.预测Compaq电脑公司利润下降的消息使昨天股票市场一路下跌,尤以店头交易为然。

9.It is a great honor for me to be here today to announce Compaq's commitment to the China Youth Information Onpne Project.今天,我十分荣幸地在这里宣布康柏公司决定致力于发展中国青少年信息网络工程。

10.In fact, one other executive from Cook's old company, Compaq, reportedly lasted only five minutes before Jobs walked out on him.实际上,另一名来自库克老东家康柏公司的高管据说仅与乔布斯进行了5分钟的谈话并被乔布斯宣布出局。