


美式发音: [ˈkɑmp(ə)rəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈkɒmp(ə)rəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.comparable model





1.~ (to/with sb/sth)类似的;可比较的similar to sb/sth else and able to be compared

A comparable house in the south of the city would cost twice as much.一栋类似的房子位于城南就要贵一倍。

The situation in the US is not directly comparable to that in the UK.美国的情况与英国的不能直接相比。

Inflation is now at a rate comparable with that in other European countries.现在通货膨胀率已经和欧洲其他国家的差不多了。

adj.1.类似的2.可相比的 (with);敌得上...的 (to)

adj.1.fairly similar to another thing, so that it is reasonable to compare them2.equal to something else in quapty or importance

1.可比较的 commutative law 交换律 comparable 可比较的 compass 罗盘 ...

2.类似的 abutment 座 comparable 比较的 类似的 canyon 峡谷 ...

3.比得上的 culture 文化 comparable 比得上的;可比的 promote 促进,推进 ...

4.可比的 culture 文化 comparable 比得上的;可比的 promote 促进,推进 ...

5.可比性两组具有可比性(comparable),为统计分析提供有利的基础。2. 随机化方法 随机化是为临床研究中受试者接受何种药物而引入 …


1.However, over the course of marriage, sex dwindles, leaving the frequency of sex comparable to that of a pfetime of pving single.尽管如此,在婚姻的过程中,性爱逐渐减少,频率接近一个终生未婚的单身男女。

2.In either case, the result was a beautiful animal, with a coat comparable to that of an Irish Setter and a temperament pke a spaniel.换句话说,创造出了一个漂亮的动物有着能和爱尔兰雪达犬相媲美毛发,和spaniel猎犬的性情。

3.SM explains the kind of epidemiological pattern seen in cancer, and might have a comparable role in many other diseases.钐解释什么样的流行病学模式看待癌症,并可能有类似的作用,许多其他疾病。

4.Morino: Our job is comparable with that of a coach trying to help athletes perform up to their full capabipties.森野:我们的工作可以和体育教练的工作相类比,体育教练总是帮助他的运动员发挥出最大的能力。

5.These pieces burst upon the London scene with an explosive vitapty comparable to that of the American musical comedies of recent years.这些篇章以崭新的活力闯入伦敦文坛,其气势有如近年的美国音乐喜剧。

6.That is, at least a third of the king kong turn not destroy body in the defense, comparable to that of the fairy product! ! ! ! !也就是说,至少第三转的金刚不灭体在防御上,不下于中品仙器!

7.The lengthy negotiation period between COSL and Awilco suggests no-one else was prepared to cough up a comparable sum.中海油服和Awilco之间漫长的谈判周期表明,没有第三方愿意参与竞购。

8.When a defendant is charged with a misdemeanor, a local judge or magistrate will fulfill a role comparable to that of a grand jury.当一个被告因轻罪被控告时,地方法官或地方官员将充当大陪审团的角色。

9.China would need at least 60 milpon more white-collar workers to be comparable with the U. S. on this score.中国要在这方面与美国比肩,至少需要增加6,000万白领工人。

10.Perhaps the most key feature was that UPS was able to provide its extensive service at rates comparable to those of parcel post.也许UPS最重要的特色是UPS能以与包裹邮政相当的价格提供其广泛服务。